MAA NEWS Winter2022_w | Page 7

New MAA Members
Call for Speakers

Membership Matters

Hello MAA members ,
I hope that most of you have had a chance to visit the updated MAA website ( MassArbor . org ). Things work a bit differently than before , but we hope that navigating the site , registering for events , and paying for memberships are working well for you . We often make tweaks to the site to improve your experience , and we appreciate everyone ’ s patience as we learn the new software together .
The MAA Annual Meeting was a packed house and a testament to the awesome level of participation by members . As we move into the 2023 event season , please make sure you register well in advance of meeting dates so we can plan accordingly . We do our best to expand to meet demand , but last-minute registrations are challenging when an event is near capacity .
Speaking of awesome participation , I ’ m happy to report that as of December 15 , nearly 50 % of the membership is renewed ahead of schedule for the upcoming year ! If you have not yet renewed , an invoice can be found in your MAA online account . Also , if your company would like a combined group invoice with affiliates added , please contact me via email at cmartin @ massarbor . org .
Recertification for MCAs is also open at the website . The form is easy and quick to complete . NOTE : The recertification section of the website is only visible for existing MCAs . You must log in to your MAA account to see the recertification form in the MCA INFO section .
2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year ! I look forward to seeing you at the German Club in February , in Springfield for ArborEXPO in March , or at Bird Park in Walpole for Arbor Day of Service in April . If you need any assistance with your end-of-year renewals or recertifications , just give us a shout at the office .
Best ,
Carrie Martin Membership & Certification Manager
Carrie Martin is the MAA ’ s Membership Manager . She is happy to answer any questions and make suggestions to help you get the most from your MAA membership . Reach Carrie via email at CMartin @ MassArbor . org or phone ( 508 ) 653-3320 .


New MAA Members

Lori Carlos Davey Resource Group Worcester , MA
Jack Guinan Cranes 101 Bellingham , MA
Alvaro Lopez Mayer Tree Service Essex , MA
Colin McCallum-Cook The Trustees of Reservations Walpole , MA
Dana Northrup MTE Equipment Solutions Eastham , MA
Call for Speakers
As of December 1 , 2022
Do you have a passion project , a deep-rooted interest , or a new tree care technique you ’ d like to share with your fellow arborists ? The MAA is looking for a few enthusiastic experts !
Our education committee members are on the lookout for innovative presenters to instruct and inspire tree care professionals , while providing CEU credit opportunities . Our talented members have presented on topics ranging from business strategy to gear inspection , and from tree identification to emergency first aid . If you ’ re interested in sharing your knowledge and expertise ( either at the podium or via Zoom ), we ’ d like to hear from you . Please go to MassArbor . org , complete the Call for Speakers form , and we ’ ll share your ideas with MAA ’ s education committee .