MAA NEWS Winter2022_w | Page 4



December 2022


Greetings to all of our MCAs and MAA members ,
Welcome to the newest Massachusetts Certified Arborists who passed their certification exam in October . Well done !
First and foremost , congratulations to our newest MCAs from the October exam . 28 people sat for the exam and 7 people earned their certification . We welcome them to the MCA ranks and know that their knowledge , skills and commitment to arboriculture will help push the industry forward within the state and beyond .
The MCA committee also welcomes Kat Cummings , mca the newest MCA Committee member , to lend her expertise to ensure the success of the exam . Kat earned her MCA in 2020 and is an employee of Bartlett Tree Experts . Welcome , Kat !
For those considering taking the MCA exam , be advised that the April 2023 exam typically sells out . Register early and order your materials soon to get a jump on studying . The MCA Overview is available to guide your studying ( you can order access to those webinars when you pick up your study guide ). Also , by popular demand , MAA now offers a bound , printed copy of the MCA online study guide chapters , as a supplement to the online tool . Save yourself the trouble of printing all 190 pages and order up a book to go with your online guide .
For current MCAs , it ’ s time to recertify . If you still need credits , visit the EARN CEUs page at the MCA website for links to webinars and trainings you can complete by end of year . ( see “ What People are Watching ” on page 19 for ideas ). As soon as you ’ re ready , head over to MassArbor . org and be sure to log in to access the online recertification form under the MCA INFO tab .
As we roll into the new year , I imagine that arborists around the state are busy planning and building on success in the past year . Will you offer a new service ? Are you looking to hire more talent ? Are you working on a new skill set within the industry ? How does MCA certification fit into the plans for you or your team ? The new year brings with it many possibilities . Best wishes for a new season of growth !
Steve Vernon , mca MCA Committee Chairperson
Robert Barwick , mca Barrett Tree Service East , Inc . Medford , MA
Sam Billings , mca NatureWorks Landscape Services , Inc . Walpole , MA
CJ Goodfriend , mca Hartney Greymont Needham , MA
Frank Malec , mca Malec Tree Service , Inc . Harrisville , RI
Jacob St . Louis , mca Salem , MA
Kyle Stephens , mca Woody Plant Care Boston , MA
Denis Tucker , mca City of Worcester Worcester , MA