MAA-NEWS-winter-2025-final | Page 5

2024 Ends on a High Note at the MAA Annual Meeting

The MAA Annual Meeting , held on Tuesday , November 19 , 2024 , was a resounding success , bringing together nearly 200 members , including an impressive group of past presidents .
Outgoing MAA President Kevin Cleveland , MCA , opened the meeting and expressed gratitude to his fellow board members and the management team for their contributions to a successful year . MAA ’ s newly elected President , Russell Holman , MCA outlined ambitious plans to further strengthen the professional arboriculture community across Massachusetts in 2025 . ( See President ’ s Message and the 2025 MAA Board of Directors listing page 3 ).
The highlight of the meeting was an outstanding presentation by Melissa LeVangie Ingersoll , MCA , Co- Founder of the Women ’ s Tree Climbing Workshop . Melissa shared practical insights into the updated ANSI Z133 Standards , the cornerstone safety guidelines for the arboriculture profession . She provided updates on new safety priorities , compliance strategies , and actionable recommendations for creating safer workplaces for MAA members and their teams . One member summed it up perfectly : “ Who knew ANSI Standards could be made so interesting and engaging !” Thank you , Melissa , for an informative and inspiring session !
A special thank-you goes out to GoGreen Tree Care Products , a division of AutoBeGreen , LLC , for sponsoring this year ’ s Annual Meeting . Their innovative and environmentally sensitive service offerings continue to support the arborist community . To learn more , visit autobegreen . com .
Top photo : MAA Board gathered before the meeting . Middle photo : Outgoing president Kevin Cleveland ( l ) received the gavel plaque from incoming president Russell Holman . Bottom photo : Past Presidents of MAA