President ' s Message continued from page 3
After years on the MCA Committee , I was drafted into ‘ the big leagues ’ to serve on the MAA Board . Working with leaders like Rich Herfurth , MCA , Trumbull Barrett , MCA , Jay Ippolito , MCA , and Ray Rose , MCA , taught me how to serve on a professional board and better assist our members .
It has been an honor to serve with fellow board members Neil Reilly , MCA , Kevin Cleveland , MCA , Max Ford-Diamond , MCA , Brandon Maltby , MCA , Keith Bernard , MCA , Steve Vernon , MCA , and Kieran Yaple , MCA . I ’ m proud to call them friends and grateful for their insights and support , both personally and professionally .
More than six years ago , during my time on the MAA Board , I lost my brother while he was serving in the Navy . The board ’ s kind gesture of sending flowers and condolences to my family during that difficult time solidified my belief in the importance of the MAA Benevolence Fund . With the help of Greg Mosman , MCA , who was inspired by his friend Marc Hansen , MCA ’ s unfailing support during a very difficult time , the fund became a reality .
Continuing my education and striving to grow as an arborist has always been my goal . Without learning , growth , and challenges , we risk becoming stale . The MAA and its members represent a vocation worth dedicating ourselves to , and I encourage everyone to continue earning CEUs , seeking professional challenges , and , if you haven ’ t yet , taking the MCA exam .
Thank you to the MCA Committee members — Steve Vernon , MCA , Matt Fisk , MCA , Julie Clements , MCA , Kat Cummings , MCA , and Lorraine Fountain , MCA — who work tirelessly to ensure the exam remains rigorous , fair , and clear . Their dedication to refining the study guide , improving question clarity , and innovating the exam process is truly commendable .
Lastly , thank you to Virginia Wood and Carrie Martin . You have both meant so much to me over the years . Your continued support of me and the MAA is the glue that helps keep this ship moving forward , we would be nothing without you .
Virginia has joked that I don ’ t need any more professional designations after my name , but becoming an MCA is one of the proudest moments of my life . I hope to see many more of our members achieve this distinction .
Thank you for your trust and support as we continue building a stronger arborist community .”
Russell Holman , MCA , BCMA , CTSP MAA President
Planning Ahead for 2025
2024 was an outstanding educational program year for the MAA . As we work on planning the 2025 calendar , we ’ d love to hear your ideas for programming . What speakers have you heard recently who inspired your work ? What topics would you like us to dive into in 2025 ? What articles have you read that added value to your tree care practice ? Please reach out to the management team at any time to give us a program idea !
Jan . – Dec . 2025 Electrical Hazard Awareness Webinar Series with Dr . John Ball
February 25 Members Meeting & Dinner The German Club Walpole , MA
March 26 ArborEXPO Pre- Conference
March 27 & 28 ArborEXPO Conference & Expo The Big E • Springfield , MA ArborEXPO . com
April 3 & 4 MCA Exam MAA Office Medfield , MA
April 22 VISTA Award & Dinner Meeting The German Club Walpole , MA
April 25 Arbor Day of Service Group Celebration Millborn Farm • Sherborn / Millis Town Line
September 24 Fall Field Day The German Club Walpole , MA
October 14 Members Meeting & Dinner The German Club Walpole , MA
November 18 Annual Members Meeting The German Club Walpole , MA