MAA-NEWS-winter-2025-final | Page 15

MAA Gives Back on Arbor Day of Service • Friday , April 25 , 2025
For over 40 years , MAA members have celebrated Arbor Day on the last Friday of April , uniting to provide volunteer tree care across the Commonwealth . Each year , members contribute their time and expertise to local communities and larger state projects , creating a lasting impact at every site . Beyond the hands-on efforts , this event raises public awareness about quality tree care and the importance of the tree care industry . In short , it ’ s our favorite day of the year !
Arbor Day Group Celebration This year ’ s biennial group event will take place at Millborn Farm , situated in both Sherborn and Millis . Arbor Day of Service co-chairs Max Ford-Diamond , MCA , and Brandon Maltby , MCA , along with a dedicated team from The Trustees , have developed a comprehensive plan to perform vital tree work at this historic property .
Millborn Farm spans 195 breathtaking acres of open landscape , featuring stonewall-lined hayfields , forestland , farm lanes , and over a mile of waterfront along the Charles River . Recently acquired by The Trustees , the farm includes 75 acres of grasslands that support native pollinators , plants , and wildlife . Its river floodplain plays a critical role in protecting water quality and providing flood storage , particularly during storm events . Preserving landscapes like Millborn Farm is essential for enhancing climate resilience .
MAA arborist volunteers will help bring The Trustees ’ vision for Millborn Farm to life , preparing the property for its public opening in Spring 2027 . “ Millborn Farm provides an amazing opportunity for MAA members to come together for a rewarding volunteer workday ,” said Arbor Day of Service cochair Max Ford-Diamond , MCA . “ Our focus will include tree preservation , safety pruning , and plant health care . Everyone is welcome to join the effort at Millborn Farm !”
The Arbor Day celebration will feature a morning of tree work , a midday lunch , and other festivities to recognize and thank our valued volunteers .
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