MAA-NEWS-winter-2025-final | Page 11

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MCA Update

The quieter winter months are the perfect time to prep for the April MCA exam . This exam tends to fill up early so please get your applications in early to make sure you get a seat .
Are you curious about what it takes to pass the MCA exam ? Here are your action steps to success :
• Purchase the MCA Study Guide . This is an entirely online guide ( but you are welcome to print any parts of it ).
• Obtain the required Best Practice Manuals ( available from ISA or TCIA ). Approximately half the exam is based on the information in these manuals so these are essential for preparing .
• Consider purchasing one or both of the MCA Exam Prep webinars . These webinars aim to walk you through the material in the study guide and BPM manuals . They ’ re a good way to get a sense of where you may still need to prepare .

Save the date !

Mark your calendar for the next MAA Members Meeting
Tree & Shrub Disease : What ’ s Coming Down the Pike
When : Tuesday February 25 , 2025
Time : 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Where : The German Club Walpole , MA
• Set up a study schedule and stick to it for the winter ! Consider making flashcards , creating or referencing an online “ quizlet ” or join with colleagues to review material and stay on track .
We ’ re looking forward to welcoming many new MCAs after the April exam .
For MCAs who need to recertify , don ' t delay . The February 15 deadline is approaching fast . Recertification is fast and simple at MassArbor . org / Recertification .
Matt Fisk , MCA

Stay Connected

Join MAA ’ s growing professional community on social media .
Nick Brazee , Ph . D . Extension Plant Pathologist University of Massachusetts Amherst , MA
MCA CEU approved . ISA and MDAR CEU credit pending .
@ MassArbor
@ Mass _ Arborists _ Association