MAA NEWS Winter 2023 MAA-NEWS-winter-2023 | Page 7

MCA Update

Hello MCAs ,
As the year draws to a close , I wanted to thank the members of the MCA Committee for their dedication to creating the best exam possible ! Our committee will continue to work together in the coming year to refine exam questions and improve the examination experience from preparation to certification . We look forward to welcoming many new MCAs to the ranks in 2024 !

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MAA Newsletter !

Current MCAs , these are the final days to earn any missing credits for 2023 . There are opportunities to earn the needed safety credits for the year in just an hour ’ s time via webinar . Or visit the EARN CEUs section of the website for more ideas to earn final credits online .
Wishing all of you a safe , prosperous and joyful new year .
Steve Vernon
Steve Vernon MCA Chairperson

MCA Cards Go Green

MCA Cards will be mailed weekly starting in mid-December . You will notice that your MCA looks a bit different this year . We are losing the plastic and switching to a paper cardstock alternative - a more environmentally-friendly choice ! The good news is we can produce these right at the office so if you lose your card , you can always get a new one .
If you would like to reach more than 800 MAA tree care professionals , consider advertising in the MAA Newsletter .
For more information please contact : Carrie Martin ( 508 ) 653-3320 CMartin @ MassArbor . org