PRESIDENT Kevin Cleveland , MCA Tree Tech , Inc . Foxboro , MA
VICE PRESIDENT Russell Holman , MCA , CTSP , BCMA Eversource Westwood , MA
SECRETARY / TREASURER Max Ford-Diamond , MCA Boston Parks & Recreation Boston , MA
PAST PRESIDENT Neal Reilly , MCA The Reilly Tree & Landscape Co . Plainville , MA
MCA REPRESENTATIVE Steve Vernon , MCA Harrison McPhee Millis , MA
DIRECTORS Brandon Maltby , MCA Maltby & Co ., Inc . Stoughton , MA
Kieran Yaple , MCA Race Mountain Tree Service Sheffield , MA
Keith Bernard , MCA Barrett Tree Service East Medford , MA
MANAGEMENT TEAM Peggy Benjamin Kristen Dreyer Charissa Sharkey Alissa Weintraub
MASSACHUSETTS ARBORISTS ASSOCIATION , INC . 67 West Street Medfield , MA 02052 phone : 508.653.3320 info @ MassArbor . org MassArbor . org
President ' s Message
Hello MAA Members ,
I want to thank everyone who attended our annual meeting last month . It was great to have so many members engaged , ready to ask questions , and help plan for the future of the MAA .
2023 was a strong year for our association . Here ’ s a quick recap :
• We are on solid financial footing
• We welcomed 54 new commercial members , including six student members
• 28 people passed the exam and joined the MCA ranks
• We realized record-setting attendance at our membership meetings
• We held an outstanding Arbor Day of Service celebration at Bird Park in Walpole
• We honored Trumbull Barrett , MCA with the VISTA Award
• We offered two summer workshops that took a deep dive into climbing techniques , as well as moving mature trees
• We partnered with the landscape professionals for a Fall Field Day that was better than ever !
I am honored to lead this great organization for another year . Thank you to my fellow board members , our committee volunteers , our management team , and especially our valued members for your continued involvement and support .
This is our association , and we are all in this together !
Here ’ s to another great year for the MAA .
Kevin Cleveland , MCA MAA President
MAA NEWS is a publication of the Massachusetts Arborists Association , Inc . MAA NEWS is published four times a year for the Massachusetts Arborists Association ( MAA ) and is distributed free of charge to members . The purpose of the newsletter is to disseminate information to promote general standards and ethics in commercial arboriculture , as well as to foster research and share knowledge with its members . The MAA is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to communications between its membership and the industry . The MAA believes the infor- mation in this publication to be accurate as of its publication date and is not responsible for inadvertent errors . The MAA and Massachusetts Certified Arborist ( MCA ) logos are trademarks of the Massachusetts Arborists Association , Inc . Qualified MAA members and certified members only are permitted to utilize the logos . Logos for MAA and MCA are available through the MAA office .
EDITORIAL : Readers are encouraged to submit articles , announcements , review of products , or letters . Please send to Newsletter Editor at mail or e-mail info @ MassArbor . org .
ADVERTISING : For advertising rates and information , contact MAA at info @ MassArbor . org , or ( 508 ) 653-3320 . Ads may be submitted as high-resolution pdf files . Discounted advertising rates are available to MAA members .
DISCLAIMER : The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MAA .