MAA Member Spotlight
Julie Clements , MCA works for the Newton Cemeteries as an arborist and is serving her second year as a member of the MCA Committee . Thanks , Julie , for taking the time to answer these questions !
How old were you when you decided you wanted to work in tree care ? I was 25 years old .
What was your first paying job in the tree care industry ? I was an arborist trainee for Cedar Lawn Tree in Ashland , MA .
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work ? How have they influenced you ? I ’ ve been fortunate to have many stellar mentors : Grant Perodeau , Tim Armstrong , Melissa LeVangie-Ingersoll , Bear LeVangie , Rich Herfurth . Each one of these arborists took the time to help me in areas they were exceptional at whether it was PHC , pruning , climbing , leading a crew or safety training .
What energizes you at work ? Seeing the fruits of my crew ’ s labor year after year . One of my favorite things about working at a Cemetery / Arboretum is seeing the trees we planted years ago still going strong every day .
Favorite piece of equipment ? Product ? Technology / app ? Picture This app for plant ID , and my treemotion harness .
What ’ s your favorite plant or tree ? Why ? Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis - is an overall winner in my book from its form and leaf shape to its flower .
What ’ s something you ’ re good at that most people wouldn ’ t know ? I crochet stuffed animals .
Best book you ever read ? Lord of the Rings .
Top destination on your must-see list ? Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto Japan .
Julie Clements , MCA Arboriculture Manager Newton Cemetery & Arboretum
Favorite season ? Spring .
Mountain , lake or ocean ? Mountain .
What would we most likely find you doing on your day off ? Playing with my kids in the back yard .
What ’ s one thing you ’ re learning now ? Why is it important ? When I have the time , I ’ m learning to paint with watercolor . My goal is to be able to have my walls covered in botanical paintings one day ! I feel it ’ s important to try something creative even if you ’ re not good at it yet .
What ’ s the best advice you were ever given ? Who was it from ? One of my mentors told me : “ You must ask for the things you want . If you don ’ t ask , the answer is always no .”
If you didn ’ t go into tree care , what do you think you would be doing instead ? I would be a Wildlife Biologist or National Park Ranger . In fact , I was both before I started working in tree care !