MAA NEWS Mar 19_w | Page 7

M E M B E R S H I P Renewal season is in full swing at MAA If you’ve not yet renewed for 2019, it’s not too late. We have a whole year of educational and networking events ahead! But don’t delay – this newsletter will be the last edition you receive unless your membership is renewed. To renew, please visit the website where you’ll be prompted for your dues payment when you log in. You can pay online or click BYPASS PAYMENT to send a check. Stay current If you’ve had changes in address or employment, remember to update your membership record (under Members / UPDATE YOUR PROFILE). Not every field in your member record can be modified so if you hit a roadblock, please email me to make the adjustment. M A T T E R S Over the past month, we’ve heard from a few members who are retiring or leaving the industry. I am struck by the sincere words they shared about how MAA membership has positively impacted both their careers and friendships. One MCA wrote, “The community and assistance the MAA has given me has been very valuable. The knowledge and confidence I got is immeasurable. I am truly grateful.” Another MCA characterized his fellow MAA members as “people who really know what matters in life.” The connections we have with one another through this associa- tion are its greatest source of strength. In 2019, let’s keep those connections strong. Attend events. Share your opinion. Provide feedback. Introduce yourself to a colleague. Stay engaged and involved. I look forward to seeing you in 2019! Carrie Martin is the MAA’s Membership Manager. She is happy to answer any questions and make suggestions as to how to get the most from your MAA membership. Reach Carrie via email at or phone (508) 653-3320. MAA NEWS / March 2019 7