MAA-NEWS-fall-2023final4 | Page 17

Fungicides that should have some utility include azoxystrobin , benzovindiflupyr , copper hydroxide , mancozeb , metconazole , phosphites and thiophanate-methyl . Applications should be made on regular intervals from mid-May to early July as new needles are elongating . Even minor rain events may provide the necessary moisture for spore dispersal and germination . Needle blight fungi can have long latent periods before symptoms develop . Therefore , needles may be infected for many months before they become symptomatic . Symptoms from infection by Septorioides appear to develop more quickly , however , sometimes appearing during the summer and autumn after infection . Overall , much remains unknown about this pathogen and its association with eastern white pine . For more information on eastern white pine health , see https :// ag . umass . edu / landscape / fact-sheets / dieback-of-eastern-whitepine
Citations : Broders K ., Munck I ., Wyka S , Iriarte G ., and Beaudoin E . 2015 . Characterization of fungal pathogens associated with
white pine needle damage ( WPND ) in Northeastern North America ( link is external ). Forests 6 : 4088 – 4104 . Wyka S . A . and Broders K . D . 2016 . The new family Septorioideaceae , within the Botryosphaeriales and Septorioides strobi as a new species associated with needle defoliation of Pinus strobus in the United States ( link is external ). Fungal Biology 120 : 1030 – 1040 . Wyka S . A ., Smith C ., Munck I . A ., Rock B . N ., Ziniti B . L ., and Broders K . 2017 . Emergence of white pine needle damage in the northeastern United States is associated with changes in pathogen pressure in response to climate change ( link is external ). Global Change Biology 23 : 394 – 405 . Wyka S . A . Munck I . A . Brazee N . J ., and Broders K . D . 2018 . Response of eastern white pine and associated foliar , canker and root rot pathogens to climate change ( link is external ). Forest Ecology and Management 423 : 18 – 26 .
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