MAA-NEWS-fall-2023final4 | Page 14

Carl A . Cathcart , MCA ( 1937-2023 )
Karl R . Smith , MCA ( 1955-2023 )

In Memoriam

Carl A . Cathcart , MCA ( 1937-2023 )

Carl A . Cathcart , age 85 , of Westford , formerly of Maynard , passed away peacefully on Sunday , September 17 , 2023 , with his children and others at his side . Carl was a longtime member of MAA and served as MAA president in 1986 .
Carl was born in Mattapoisett , Massachusetts , on November 22 , 1937 , and was raised on the Cape . He graduated from Stockbridge School of Agriculture with a degree in Arboriculture in 1959 . He worked for Bartlett Tree Expert Co . for fifty years and started Plant Healthcare Consultants , Inc . in 1995 .
Carl ’ s family and friends meant the most to him . He loved all things plants and trees . Carl enjoyed dancing , judging the New England Flower Show , gardening , hunting , fishing , and sharing his passion and expertise of trees and plants with everyone . He was an active member of the MAA , American Society of Consulting Arborists , International Society of Arboriculture , and Massachusetts Horticultural Society and traveled extensively for industry events .
A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday , November 18 , 2023 , from 11:00 a . m . – 3:00 p . m . at the Maynard-Clinton Lodge of Elks .
Gifts in Carl ’ s memory may be made to the American Cancer Society , Relay for Life of Maynard MA in memory of Carl Cathcart to support cancer research and patient services , American Cancer Society , PO Box 1120 , Framingham MA 01701 ( 285MMF ) please include " Lady Bugs Team " in the memo , or for his love of trees : treefund . org
Excerpted from Carl ’ s obituary at fowlerkennedyfuneralhome . com .

In Memoriam

Karl R . Smith , MCA ( 1955-2023 )

Longtime MAA member Karl R . Smith , 68 , passed away on August 2 , 2023 , after succumbing to many medical complications from his fight with Hodgkin ' s Lymphoma more than 40 years ago . Karl graduated from the Stockbridge School at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and soon after became owner of Trees Unlimited . As a certified arborist , Karl built a thriving tree care business with a loyal customer following . His passion for his business , his love of nature and his commitment to preserving the environment made him a trusted expert in the local community and within the industry .
Karl was an avid traditional longbow hunter , fisherman , and gardener . Hunting season was his favorite time of year . He took many hunting trips throughout his lifetime and came back happier when he had a 10-pointer in the back of his truck . Fishing was a passion since childhood and his proficiency in the garden came from his mother .
He was well-known for his pickled herring and Swedish pancakes , for sharing glogg at countless holidays and gettogethers , and for being the true epitome of generosity . Karl touched countless lives with his selfless nature . He was always willing to go the extra mile , doing anything for anyone in need and putting others ' well-being before his own . This is evident by the countless number of friends in his life . You couldn ' t go anywhere in Central Massachusetts without someone saying " hi " to him . He was a cherished friend to many .
The family kindly requests donations to be made in Karl ' s memory to Abby ’ s House , ATTN : Accounting , 52 High Street , Worcester , MA 01609 , which was a cause close to his heart and the heart of his mother .
Though we grieve the loss of Karl , we celebrate the incredible person he was , and we are grateful for the lasting impact he had on our lives .
Excerpts from Karl ’ s obituary at MilesFuneralHome . com