MCA Update
Greetings and happy fall from the MCA committee !
It was great to see so many MAA members and MCAs at the Fall Field Day in September . We followed that great event up with the October MCA exam in Medfield .
The committee was impressed by the amount of hard work and focus demonstrated by the candidates at the exam last week . Congratulations to our newest set of MCAs . For those of you considering the exam or still working toward a passing grade – the winter is an excellent time for some uninterrupted studying .
At this time of year , current MCAs please take a look at where you stand for credits earned in 2023 . There is still time and opportunity to earn the needed safety and education credits for the year . Check out the MAA website for the ongoing safety webinar or check the industry calendar for other events where credits can be earned .
The MCA credential continues to be an important distinction for any Massachusetts arborist . The effort and commitment required to earn the MCA is a great personal investment and raises the bar for the industry as a whole . Kudos to the over 800 Massachusetts certified arborists who have committed to lifelong learning in our great industry , congratulations to our new MCAs and best wishes to those who are beginning their MCA journey .
Enjoy the fall everyone .
Congrats New MCAs !
Congratulations to the new MCAs who passed their MCA exam in October 2023
Nicholas Bain , MCA UMASS Stockbridge
Benjamin Craig , MCA Barrett Tree Service East
Jon Downer , MCA Harrison McPhee , Inc .
Matt Flanders , MCA Beetlebung Tree Care
Nathaniel Fortin , MCA RP Marzilli
Tyler Ledin , MCA Hartney Greymont
Alex Krastanov , MCA SavATree
Patrick Lindquist , MCA MA DCR
Jeffrey Meola , MCA National Grid
Cristian Ramirez , MCA Davey Resource Group
Steve Vernon MCA Chairperson
Harrison Shaw , MCA Bartlett Tree Experts
Vincent Tomasello , MCA Bartlett Tree Experts