The M5M Foundation serves to bring hope.
Mannatech, Inc., a direct sales company, engaged in research,
development and distribution of health and wellness products, had
a passion to apply their real-food technology and glyconutrient
supplements to help tackle a global issue.
Malnutrition impacts the lives of 55 million
children at any given moment.
According to the World Health Organization, the
World Bank and UNICEF, roughly 100 million
children under the age of five, are underweight
and over 150 million children in developing
countries are malnourished.
Under-nutrition can hinder brain development,
reduce intellectual capacity and stunt growth.
Current food programs designed to help children
are mainly cereal-based and lack many of the nutrients
they need. In fact, fortified, blended flours no
longer meet the minimum nutritional criteria
for young children set by experts at the
World Health Organization.
From 2009 through
2017, Mannatech’s
programs have
generated over 122
million servings of
nutritional support for
malnourished children.