M3 Today Magazine M3 Today Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 7

MEDICAL MARIJUANA IS HAPPENING IN MICHIGAN! Right along with it will come a slew of business opportunities, economic growth, and, unfortunately, a lot of misinformation. That’s where we, the Michigan Medical Marijuana Business Owners Association (M 3 BOA), come into play. What do we do? Our mission is simple: share facts, best practices, and content to help business owners navigate through the misinformation and find what they actually need to succeed. We Have The Information. With all the information in mind, we would like to announce the launch of the M3BOA.com website and some of the great things we have planned for members. Our members are professionals, regulators, industry leaders, and trailblazers who are helping to form the groundwork of the medical marijuana industry in Michigan. We Bring You Deals. On our deals page, we feature products, offer discounts for members, and provide many other hard-to-find services. The deals change all the time so check back often. For advertisers, we offer a place for businesspeople in this industry to find you! Some examples: our payroll service sponsor accepts cash, administers your employee benefits, and gives you back payroll checks. Another sponsor provides an insurance package specifically tailored to the Michigan law and covers marijuana facilities! We Help You Find Help And Be Found. Our sponsors provide advertising for the site and help us pay for the M 3 Today Magazine, the M 3 BOA itself, and lobbying efforts on behalf of businesses in this industry. This advertising is essential to continuing to function and provide benefits to the industry. Without grassroots support, we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have, much less move forward into a sure future. Through our website, email blasts, direct mailers, and magazine publication, we are able to reach thousands of potential new customers for you each day. Please Register. It’s Free! We urge you to sign up on the site (M3BOA.com). Not only is membership free, it comes with all of the benefits we’ve been telling you about and more. A new industry and new businesses have new challenges. Challenges that we can all strive to overcome together, rather than individually. Together, we can all grow. The M 3 BOA enables all sizes of business to become more competitive and more profitable, and we provide substantial discounts on operating expenses that you are already incurring in your day-to-day business operations. So sign up today and let’s get started! For more information or to view past issues of M 3 Today Magazine, please contact us at [email protected]. And come browse our online directory, which contains a full list of growers, dispensaries, processors, testing labs, and secure transportation companies. 7