Scott and Alison Stratten
Scott and Alison Stratten are co-authors of four best-
selling business books, co-owners of UnMarketing Inc
and co-hosts of not only The UnPodcast, but five children,
two dogs and two cats. The site, the show and the books
all represent their thoughts on the changing world of
business through their experiences of entrepreneurship,
two degrees (Alison), not lasting long as an employee
(both) and screaming at audiences around the world
(Scott, Alison is more polite). unmarketing.com
AS USUAL, I’ve had enough.
Every month a new “study” comes out to say
when the best time is to send email out to your list/
This study 1 say between 12 a.m.-3 a.m.
This study 2 says 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
This study 3 says 6 a.m.-7 a.m.
If I looked hard enough I could probably find studies
that cover every hour of every day.
The best time to never send email is when someone
else told you to.
Do your homework. The only important data out
there is what your own list does.
I’ve been doing email marketing since the old days
when you sent an email and everyone received it.
Back in the day when the email alert went off, you
got excited.
The biggest mistake with looking at “when” to send
to your list is we think that’s our issue. We think we’re
getting low open rates because we sent a newsletter
at 11 a.m. EST on a Wednesday instead of 5 a.m. PST
on a Thursday.
The best way to get your email opened is to write
content worthy of being opened.
When notification of your new blog post or
newsletter arrives to your subscribers, do they react
with apathy or excitement?
Is your subject line “ABC Chiropractor Newsletter
January Edition”? I don’t care what time you send
out that breaking news, no one wants to open it. No
one puts aside their game of SongPop to read that
People first have to recognize your “From:” as a
brand they want to read, then the subject, then the
content itself.
Fix those things first then test, test, test. But don’t
test with different emails over a few weeks, test the
same one. Create one variable: delivery time and split
test them with your email service if they allow it.
Stop changing how you market your business
be cause of a headline. The only important case study
is the one you’re currently running for your business.
Oh, and sign-up for mine, obviously. Only sent when
I have something useful for you to read, and not a
minute sooner.
1. blogs.constantcontact.com/fresh-insights/best-time-to-send-emails
2. blog.getresponse.com/best-time-to-send-email-infographic.html
3. cbsnews.com/8301-505125_162-57411092/
****Content originally posted on www.unmarketing.com