M3 Today Magazine M3 Today Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 10

BEING SUCCESSFUL THE CHOICE OF BEING SUCCESSFUL BY: JACK DALY, AUTHOR, COACH DESTINY IS not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. Your journey is determined by the choices you make. Your answers are determined by the questions you ask. Your destination is determined by the steps you take. Your future is determined by what you do each day. This is both the good news and the bad news. I’m regularly asked about how to achieve personal, individual success. For those people who express such a desire but tend to blame their circumstances on things outside of themselves, the above statements represent bad news. For those who look to themselves as the key to their success, the above statements are the good news. So, which are you? That’s where it must all begin. For those still interested, let’s get started. Success is all about focus, and the definition is unique and personal to each of us. Success goes beyond goals and objectives (recognizing that they do become important here). It is more about your intrinsic desire— your purpose, if you will—which is where sustainable momentum comes from. It’s about wrestling down your vision, your destination, your definition of success. I’ve found great comfort over the years from sage advice from Goethe, such as, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” As I’m fond of sharing with anyone who will listen, we are all given the same amount Jack Daly of time—168 hours—each week; however, some are getting so much more out of their 168. Success comes to those who better manage their 168, as Steven Covey taught us “doing first things first.” Here, we are talking priorities, and when we know where we want to get to, the identification of the priorities gets so much easier. Then, we have to learn to say “no” to others more often so that we can conserve our time and energy for our priorities. In my sales training workshops, the largest measure of frustration for me is knowing how well what I teach works and yet how so few “take action.” I tell my audiences—people who have doubled or tripled their personal incomes, if not more—to take action on my teachings. I tell my business-owner attendees of stories of my clients who have scaled their businesses at multiple times growth and profitability. Yet, the overwhelming majority do not “take action.” The key to being successful is “activity.” Activity breeds further activity. For those who do elect to take action (i.e., activity), I can almost 100 percent guarantee that they will be hit with adversity. With obstacles. Those who enjoy success display grit. They view adversity more as a challenge, and in their efforts at self- mastery, they act accordingly and overcome their obstacles. Successful people are willing to do whatever is necessary to be successful, whereas those struggling are unwilling to stay with it. Rather than waiting until all the details are figured out, successful people in Jack Daly is an experienced and world-recognized sales speaker and sales training expert who inspires audiences to take action in the areas of sales, sales management, and corporate culture. Jack is a proven CEO/ Entrepreneur, having built six companies into national firms, two of which he subsequently sold to the Wall Street firms of Salomon Brothers and First Boston. His professional sales-trainer know-how has turned him into an accomplished sales coaching authority and author of books including Hyper Sales Growth, The Sales Playbook for Hyper Sales Growth, and Paper Napkin Wisdom, all Amazon No. 1 best sellers. jackdaly.net 10