M2S Bikes Owner's Guides All Terrain Kush 750 | Page 5

Install Handlebars: Remove the face plate from the stem by removing the four bolts using an Allen wrench. Line up the Handlebars so the brakes are parallel to the ground and the center of the handlebars are midway between the stem. Replace the four bolts and tighten firmly (~4.5 Newton meters of torque). Do not over torque the bolts. Please see video above for detailed instructions.

Tire Pumping and Pressure: Pump up tires with a pump to PSI range of 15-30 PSI. Tire and tubes come with Schraeder valve. Riding with underinflated tires can decrease efficiency of battery life and be more difficult. Riding with overinflated tires can lead to a blowout and flat tire. Do not overinflate tires!