M033 M033 | Page 9

people talking about it and the best way to change behaviours and attitudes is through the children, and by involving them in an early stage. The services that may come across individuals that have experienced FGM like practice nurses, midwifery, social services. There has to be an international level of challenge, changing practice in countries of origin.

More need for awareness raising in new and emerging communities – people moving to new countries are more likely to carry on traditions to retain identity

3. How can we challenge FGM confidently and sensitively without stigmatising affected communities?

Need to have a professional curiosity and talk to mothers without alienating, but still recognising that safeguarding children is the most important thing. Can we learn from the eradication of feet binding in China? A gendered practice like FGM, but unlike feet binding, FGM is hidden and carries more taboo. Should we be identifying high risk communities? Recognition that it should be done, but how?

Schools – whole class conversations about what girls are doing over the holidays, and look at incorporation into sex and relationship education (RSE). Educating about the risks of FGM is to un-normalise it. How to facilitate rites of passage - retaining important traditions but without FGM. Using influence of people with status (example of the Masai Warriors cricketers) using their influence with elders in communities. Involvement of survivors – so that we can hear their stories and they can be part of the solution. Use of social media apps and things like that.

4. What actions should we be taking forward?

RSE is currently looking at curriculum for RSE in Nottingham and it would be good to involve campaigners against FGM in this. More about what vaginas

look like to raise understanding. Important conversations need to take place. Incorporate FGM questions in social workers and health visitors assessments and increase training/ awareness for frontline professionals to skills and confidence.


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