Nottingham Connected
Health & Food
Solids require more chewing, which can grant more time for the fullness signal to reach the brain. Scientists also believe the extra chewing time allows solids to stay in contact with the taste buds for longer, which can also promote feelings of fullness.
4. Drink Coffee
Coffee has many
benefits for health
and sports perform
ance — and may
also help decrease
your appetite. Research shows that coffee increases the release of peptide YY (PYY). This hormone is produced in the gut in response to eating and promotes a feeling of fullness. Scientists believe that PYY levels play an important role in determining how much you're likely to eat. Interestingly, decaffeinated coffee may produce the highest reduction in hunger, with effects that last up to three hours after consumption. However, more studies are required to pinpoint exactly how this works.
5. Fill Up on Water
Drinking water can help
decrease the hunger
you feel before meals.
It may also increase feelings of fullness following a meal and promote weight loss. In fact, studies show that people who drink two glasses of water immediately before a meal eat 22% less than those who don't drink any water. Scientists believe that about 17 oz (500 ml) of water is sufficient to stretch the stomach enough to send signals of fullness to the brain. That said, water is also known to empty from the stomach quickly. For this tip to work, it may be best to drink the water as close to the meal as possible. Interestingly, starting your meal with soup may act in the same way. Researchers observed that eating a bowl of soup immediately before a meal decreased hunger and reduced total calorie intake from the meal by about 100 calories.
6. Eat Some
Ginger has been
linked to many
health benefits.
include reductions in nausea, muscle pain, inflammation and blood sugar levels. Interestingly, recent research adds another benefit to the list: hunger reduction. One study found that consuming 2 grams of ginger powder diluted in hot water at breakfast reduced the hunger participants felt after the meal However, this study was small and more research in humans is needed before strong conclusions can be reached.
Hunger is an important and natural signal that should not be ignored. The tips mentioned here are just a few simple ways to reduce your appetite and hunger between meals
ways to reduce hunger and appetite