M Pire Magazine sits down with Rivers Monroe
to do an exclusive interview. Check it out
Q: How did you guys meet?
A: Funny you should ask. Well Dan was on the run from the law for things he’d rather
not have publically discussed and spent several years living in the wilderness. There
he was adopted by a pack of wolves who raised him as their own. The leader of the
pack was none other than Doc, now lead guitarist. Inspired by Dan’s ability to hit
things in time, Doc decided to grow arms and learn how to shred.
But, there was a nearby cave occupied by a family of bears who heard Dan’s banging and Doc’s shredding and were annoyed. So, they hired a team of rabbits to infiltrate the camp and steal Doc’s guitar and Dan’s drum sticks. But Dan and Doc were
too clever and caught and ate all but two of the rabbits before they could make off
with the gear. Those last two rabbits asked to be spared and said they could sing.
One’s name was Rivers and the other was Monroe. Doc and Dan bought them human costumes and they started a kick ass band much to the dismay of the bears.
The band found bassist Kirby on Craigslist. (Cont’d)