Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine February 2024 | Page 72

Deaf Insights with Angela Lynn
1 . Inclusion is about embracing diversity : Inclusion is not just about tolerating differences ; it ' s about embracing and celebrating them . It involves recognizing and valuing the uniqueness of individuals , regardless of their backgrounds , abilities , or identities .
2 . Creating inclusive environments benefit everyone : Inclusive environments benefit not only those who are traditionally marginalized but also society as a whole . When everyone feels valued and included , it fosters creativity , innovation and social cohesion .
3 . Inclusion is more than accessibility : While accessibility is a critical aspect of inclusion , it goes beyond physical accommodations . It also includes providing equal and equitable opportunities , promoting diverse perspectives , and creating a sense of belonging .
4 . Inclusive education benefits students : Inclusive education , where students of all abilities learn together in the same classroom , has been shown to improve academic outcomes , social skills and empathy among students .

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights with Angela Lynn

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Inclusion and Awareness

Participating as the guest editor of Accessible Journeys magazine Winter 2023 issue , and being an inclusion advocate during the World Inclusion Day event in Las Vegas on October 10th , 2023 , allowed me to deepen my understanding of true inclusion . While many may think they grasp its meaning , genuine inclusion often remains elusive . Those who have the privilege of hearing and speaking sometimes take these abilities for granted . As someone with unique abilities , I ' ve learned the importance of mindfulness in navigating life in general . My thirst for knowledge continues to grow , driven by my awareness of the wealth of information and experiences surrounding me . Although I may miss certain
auditory aspects , I value the gift of sight and the ability to communicate through sign language , providing me with a beautiful way to engage with the world .
Here are 8 things about inclusion you should be aware of :

1 . Inclusion is about embracing diversity : Inclusion is not just about tolerating differences ; it ' s about embracing and celebrating them . It involves recognizing and valuing the uniqueness of individuals , regardless of their backgrounds , abilities , or identities .

2 . Creating inclusive environments benefit everyone : Inclusive environments benefit not only those who are traditionally marginalized but also society as a whole . When everyone feels valued and included , it fosters creativity , innovation and social cohesion .

3 . Inclusion is more than accessibility : While accessibility is a critical aspect of inclusion , it goes beyond physical accommodations . It also includes providing equal and equitable opportunities , promoting diverse perspectives , and creating a sense of belonging .

4 . Inclusive education benefits students : Inclusive education , where students of all abilities learn together in the same classroom , has been shown to improve academic outcomes , social skills and empathy among students .

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