Lwin's Intensive English Program May 15, 2014 | Page 7


Course Requirement

In this course-----

You will be learning “Language Skills”: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in English.

You will be required to “actively participate” in class activities, such as discussions, pair work, and group project.

You will be required to commit to learning with the “Technology”.

The major class assignments for your final grade are as follows and Rubrics are provided in the Shared Docs in Rcampus.

# week Requirements points

1. Quizzes (paper/online) 10

2. Homework 10

3. Weekly Technology Assignments 15

4.10 Presentation, using media 15

5.11 Group Project, production of a podcast/movie 20

6.12ePortfolio (LiveBinder suggested) 30

Total 100