Luxury Travel & Lifestyle Magazine Luxury Travel & Lifestyle Magazine | Page 15

African Safari For First Timers

Going on an African Safari is something most people dream of experiencing at least once in their lifetime. But once you have been on a safari, you will want to go again and again. It’s addicting.

When you arrive at your safari lodging you will first have the time to settle in. Usually, the lodges are situated at game reserves, so you will be able to see animals in their natural habitat. On a safari, everything evolves around game drives. This definitely is the best part of an African safari but lets don’t forget the exclusive lodges, breathtaking scenery, and delicious food. Everything combined makes a perfect getaway.

There are two game drives a day. The first one is early in the morning. You wake up before sunrise, have a bite to eat, drink a coffee to wake yourself up and of you go. Nature is waking up and you are in the middle of this scenic masterpiece just waiting to spot wild animals. It is a spectacular feeling. Your ranger is the one who will spot the animals, explain how they behave in nature and try to make your bush adventure as exciting as possible. Usually, he will also prepare snacks and drinks for the road. The game drive lasts around two to three hours and then you are headed back to the lodge.

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