Luxury Travel 2024 Volume 2 - US | Page 60

The Differences

The Differences

The Mediterranean vs . Atlantic Diet
The core difference between the two countries really boils down to what body of water they border . Spain ’ s menus reflect its location on the Med , making it part of the illustrious Mediterranean diet — the hallowed distinction shared with Italy and Greece and often mentioned in the same sentence as the fabled blue zones . The diet consists of seasonal vegetables , fruits , whole grains , a limited amount of animal proteins ( which would surprise you , if you ’ ve walked through any of their markets ) and an emphasis placed on healthy fats like olive oil .
The Atlantic diet is a lot like the Mediterranean diet , except there ’ s typically more animal protein , particularly fish and other seafood . Portugal actually imports a gargantuan amount of cod from the North Atlantic and is the highest consumer of fish in the European Union , averaging roughly 110 pounds per person per year . For this reason , don ’ t be surprised if fish plays a central role in your breakfast , lunch and dinner here .
Different Spices for Different Palates
Most everyone cooks with spices , but surprisingly , Portugal and Spain differ despite often having such similar dishes and ingredients . You ’ re likely to find coriander throughout Portugal ( but especially in the southern region ), whereas it is found much less often in Spanish cuisine . The most common herb in Spain is parsley ( perejil ), while it ’ s only typically used in the north of Portugal ( and referred to as salsa ). Much of Spanish cuisine places saffron center stage , but in Portugal , it ’ s all about the fiery peppers — the most important ingredient for making peri-peri sauce , often slathered on Portuguese-style barbeque chicken .
Bacalhau do Porto
Saffron and Coriander Spices