It should come as no surprise then that Sydney dominates the top 10 suburbs for luxury house sales in 2023 . Mosman comes first with 145 sales ; a figure double that of runnerup Vaucluse . Toorak , Brighton and Kew are the only suburbs on the list outside of Sydney .
TOP SUBURBS FOR LUXURY HOUSE SALES ( 2023 ) Count of house sales over $ 5M
City Suburb No . of Luxury House Sales Sydney Sydney Melbourne Sydney Melbourne Sydney Sydney Melbourne Sydney Sydney
Mosman Vaucluse Toorak Bellevue Hill Brighton Woollahra Austral Kew Paddington Strathfield
145 75 65 65 53 46 44 39 36 35
Source : Ray White
Unlike with luxury houses , the top sales for luxury units are not as concentrated in one suburb , but it is still dominated by Sydney . Manly in Sydney was the suburb with the most luxury unit sales in 2023 followed closely by Mosman , Darling Point , and Pyrmont . Toorak ( Melbourne ) is the only suburb not in Sydney that appears in the top 10 .
TOP SUBURBS FOR LUXURY UNIT SALES ( 2023 ) Count of unit sales over $ 3M
City Suburb No . of Luxury Unit Sales Sydney Sydney Sydney Melbourne Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Gold Coast
Mosman Darling Point Pyrmont Toorak Bondi Beach Chatswood Sydney Bellevue Hill Elizabeth Bay Broadbeach
39 33 32 29 29 28 28 23 23 23
Source : Ray White