Steinway & Sons , manufacturer of the world ’ s finest pianos , announced the company ’ s most significant product innovation in over 70 years : Steinway Spirio , the world ’ s finest player piano system , available exclusively on select Steinway grand pianos .
Steinway & Sons , manufacturer of the world ’ s finest pianos , announced the company ’ s most significant product innovation in over 70 years : Steinway Spirio , the world ’ s finest player piano system , available exclusively on select Steinway grand pianos .
A masterpiece of engineering , Steinway Spirio provides the unrivaled musical experience that Steinway ’ s customers expect , producing the most accurate reproduction of live performances ever achieved on a Steinway & Sons piano . Delicate pedaling , subtle phrasing , soft trills , and thundering fortissimos present no difficulty for Steinway Spirio . Damper and keyshift pedaling are replicated with unparalleled accuracy , following the pianist ’ s depressions and releases smoothly and precisely over the entire range of motion .
Steinway Spirio is the product of Steinway & Sons ’ partnership with Wayne Stahnke , building upon his decades of work as the world ’ s foremost innovator in the field of modern player pianos . The system ’ s superior playback results from the combination of numerous patented developments .
To take full advantage of Steinway Spirio ’ s unique capabilities , Steinway & Sons is recording an entirely new catalog of music for the system , featuring the roster of over 1,700 Steinway Artists performing a wide range of genres , from classical to jazz , standards to contemporary . All pieces in the catalog are recorded , edited and released in high-resolution , using a proprietary data format that captures the finest details from each artist ’ s performance . Steinway ’ s entire catalog of performances will be provided to Steinway Spirio owners at no additional charge – a first for the player piano industry .
According to Michael Sweeney , CEO of Steinway & Sons , “ Since the founding of Steinway & Sons over 160 years ago , innovation and craftsmanship have served as the core tenets of the company . In today ’ s marketplace , brands like ours must continue to innovate in order to remain relevant to the world around us , but that doesn ’ t mean that quality and craftsmanship can suffer .” Sweeney added , “ After years of exploration , Steinway & Sons has created in the Steinway Spirio a high-resolution player piano that is rich with emotion and depth . Even the Steinway Artists that have recorded on the instrument agree that the Steinway Spirio captures the true essence , nuance , and soulfulness of a live performance , allowing us to bring artists and their audiences closer than ever before .”