AND THE “ Pleasure of Art
AND THE “ Pleasure of Art
In the art world the name of Corinne Lewin has a specific meaning and here at Luxury Living we wanted to find out what it was and understand it . We are here in the Costa del Sol , in the resplendent and contrasted Marbella , a cosmopolitan and exclusive area strategically chosen by the Monaco entrepreneur to locate the innovative Atrium Gallery . Being able to have an appointment with Corinne was not an easy task . The contact person we spoke with is Irene Sekulic , an Italian photographer , who moved to Marbella a decade ago and mainly dedicates her talent to fashion productions and portraits : she is also the only photographer Corinne relies on .
When we finally contacted Irene , we found her extremely helpful and it was through her that we entered and discovered the brand that bears the name of Atrium Gallery . Atrium Gallery is a unique formula that works . So what can we expect when talking about one of the most respected and recognized art influencer in the industry ? Here Corinne opens her exclusive door and explains to us the philosophy of “ The Pleasures of Art : Artists at home ” and the reasons why her formula is making such an impact in the art world , both for artists and the new generation of buyers .