Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY MAURITIUS No 5 EDITION 2018 | Page 86

MAISONS DE PRESTIGE Dites-nous-en plus sur votre fondation Marengo. Marengo est une fondation locale, sans but lucratif, dédiée au patrimoine. Elle est unique à l’île Maurice. Son rôle prioritaire est de préserver les sites patrimoniaux, qui sont pour la plupart en danger. La fondation Marengo vise à protéger une partie de notre âme en acquérant et en gérant des sites patrimoniaux. Une maison historique peut devenir une école, un musée ou demeurer une maison. Cela exige toutefois une certaine connaissance. Notre deuxième objectif est de s’assurer que ces compétences perdurent grâce à une poignée d’artisans - les tailleurs de pierre, jardiniers, ébénistes - qui formeront les plus jeunes. La fondation Marengo encourage la recherche et l’utilisation d’une architecture et d’un paysagisme authentiques dans les nouveaux projets. À quoi ressemble une maison mauricienne traditionnelle ? De quels matériaux est-elle faite ? La maison mauricienne est unique au monde. Elle se distingue même de la case créole de l’île de la Réunion, située à seulement 200 kilomètres. Traditionnellement, la forme et les matériaux d’une maison mauricienne varient selon le statut social du propriétaire et son emplacement. Elle a légèrement évolué depuis trois siècles. Les maisons de campagne étaient construites en torchis avec un toit en paille, alors que les bungalows pieds dans l’eau étaient faits en ravenale. Cependant, une maison mauricienne typique est faite de bois sur une base en pierre, avec un toit très incliné recouvert de bardeaux en teck. Dans les hauteurs, les grandes maisons étaient communément appelées des 'campements'. Pratiquement toutes ces maisons affichaient les mêmes teintes de bleu gris, de blanc et de noir. Méconnue des jeunes Mauriciens, cette palette de couleurs, qui nous accordait une identité collective, a virtuellement disparu. Au 20 e siècle, la tôle ondulée décorée et les motifs en béton fantaisistes ont commencé à être utilisés. Les jardins étaient une extension nécessaire de la maison, dessinés de manière très spécifiques, rarement visibles aujourd’hui. Au cours des dernières décennies, la plupart ont été détruits. Il est important de préciser que le patrimoine n’englobe pas nécessairement toutes les choses anciennes. Notre architecture locale reste imbattable par sa durabilité et sa beauté intemporelle. Avec les bonnes proportions, le bon emplacement - par rapport au soleil, au vent et aux perspectives - et l’utilisation d’éléments traditionnels, les nouvelles constructions pourraient jouer un rôle dans la conservation de notre culture et de notre savoir-faire. L’architecture mauricienne, idéalement adaptée à notre climat tropical et à notre environnement, illustre parfaitement un design bien pensé. Thomas Meur, how would you define “heritage” ? The term “heritage” pertains to a nation’s culture, aesthetics and way of life. For most, it typically conjures up images of ancient historical edifices. While that holds true, it also encompasses the natural and cultural landscape, historical garden designs and artifacts. It further manifests itself through intangible forms: values, traditions, songs (let us never forget “La Rivière Tanier”) and skills that are handed down from one generation to the next. Together, they constitute our heritage and are vital expressions of our culture. The heritage is to the country what the soul is to a human being; it exemplifies our belonging to a community, emanating a sense of place and distinctiveness, reminding us that we form part of a cultural continuum. I was vividly aware, from a tender age, of the beauty and uniqueness of the Mauritian heritage that has, since then, been largely depleted. Today, despite popular assumptions, what remains of our heritage extends beyond Port Louis’ frontiers to other urban areas and the countryside. 84 LUXURY MAURITIUS There is a common belief that preserving old buildings is costly and futile. What do we gain by preserving our heritage? Costly? Quite the opposite! While the general trend in Mauritius is to create new cities on agricultural land and demolish the remnants of our heritage, the benefits of keeping them intact are immeasurable culturally, and vastly measurable financially. In France, every €1 invested in heritage preservation generates €27 in the economy - that’s quite the investment. Futile? Meaningful! Being surrounded by heritage, especially if it is correctly looked after, provides locals a snapshot into what constitutes our aesthetic values. Living amid historic buildings and preserved landscapes revitalizes communities intellectually and strengthens our common identity. Besides, heritage sites serve as a scientific base for researchers and craftsmen, enabling them to understand and perpetuate the uniqueness of a country’s culture, in a time where globalization makes everything the same everywhere. Tell us about the Marengo Foundation. The Marengo Foundation is a nonprofit local foundation dedicated to the heritage. Unique in Mauritius, its first role is to preserve heritage sites, most of which are to this day in danger. The Marengo Foundation aims at keeping part of our soul intact by acquiring and managing heritage sites: a historic house can be turned into a school, a museum or simply remain a home. Reviving these sites demands a particular knowledge – sometimes on the brink of extinction. Our second goal is therefore to make sure these skills live on thanks to a handful of craftsmen – stonemasons, gardeners, cabinetmakers – who teach the younger generation. The Marengo Foundation also encourages research and the use of authentic local architecture, decor and landscaping in new projects. What does a traditional Mauritian home look like? What materials were they made of ? The Mauritian home’s design makes it unique in the world. It is easily distinguished even from the case creole, the traditional dwelling found on Reunion Island merely 200 miles away. Historically, a Mauritian home’s form and materials varies depending on the owner’s social status, its location and evolved slightly over three centuries. Cob houses with straw roofs were found in the countryside, whereas seaside bungalows – dubbed “campements” – were made of ravenala. The quintessential Mauritian home, however, is made of timber upon a stone base, with high-pitched roofs covered with handmade teak shingles. In the high grounds, the larger homes were commonly known as “campagnes.” Practically all of them displayed the same hues of grey-blue, white and black. This distinctive color scheme, which lent us a collective identity, has virtually disappeared and is unknown to younger Mauritians. In the XX th century, ornate corrugated iron and fancy cement designs started being used. Gardens were a requisite extension of the house and showed very specific Mauritian designs, rarely seen today. Over the past decades, most of this has been destroyed. I would like to emphasize that the heritage does not mandatorily go hand in hand with all things old. Our local architecture remains unbeatable for its sustainability and timeless beauty. With the right proportions, strategic positioning (in relation to the sun, wind and views) and use of traditional elements, brand new buildings would have a part in keeping our culture and craftsmanship alive. The Mauritian architecture, perfectly adapted to our tropical climate and environment, epitomizes a truly smart design.