Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY MAURITIUS No 5 EDITION 2018 | Page 8

LORUM IPSUM Luxury Mauritius is a semestrial magazine published by A member of La Sentinelle Royal Road, Fond du Sac T +230 266 1300 For editorial enquiries and information about the magazine, please contact [email protected] Managing Director Cyril Quintyn Brand Manager Emmanuelle Hardy Editor-in-Chief Victor Genestar Graphic Designer Ludovic Barbot Advertising Coralie Grimal, Zaynah Jaumally, Stéphanie Koenig, Chloé Tyack, Shakeel Gopee, Sandra Simon, Vincent Jolivet [email protected] T +230 266 1300 Coordination Valérie Zemah Laurianne Lerisse Marie-Louise Proofreading H. G. Dany Gowsee Elena Boulart Brinda Venkaya Reichert With the collaboration of: Editorial Committee La Isla Social Club [email protected] Photography Kunal Jankee [email protected] Translation QuickPro Translations [email protected] Printer Caractère Ltd. T +230 206 8200 E.Hardy L e 12 mars 1968, l’île Maurice accédait à l’indépendance. C’est non sans appréhension, mais guidés par la passion et l’envie de bâtir une nation, que les Mauriciens ont pris en main leur avenir. Cinquante ans plus tard, l’heure est aux éloges : bijou de l’océan Indien, pays fort du continent africain, l’île Maurice peut se réjouir du chemin parcouru. Son attractivité grandissante est incontestable : 1,3 million de visiteurs par an et 14 500 expatriations à ce jour. De part et d’autre du globe, de plus en plus d’étrangers se penchent avec curiosité et engouement sur ce petit pays en plein essor. 50 ans. L’occasion d’un état des lieux, entre accomplissements et développements à venir, et de s’interroger : sur quelles bases va-t-on s’appuyer pour mieux construire demain ? Cinquante bougies pour l’île Maurice et cinq bougies pour le magazine Luxury Mauritius… Ce numéro spécial anniversaire est donc de circonstance. Bonne lecture ! On the 12 th March 1968, Mauritius gained independence. Quite apprehensively, but mostly driven by passion and the desire to build a nation, Mauritians took charge of their future. Fifty years later, it is time for a positive appraisal: a gem in the heart of the Indian Ocean, a strong country on the African continent, Mauritius can be proud of the progress achieved. Its growing attractiveness is undeniable: 1.3 million annual visitors and 14,500 expatriates to this day. From all over the world, it is with excitement and curiosity that a growing number of foreigners are looking into this little country on the rise. 50 years anniversary. Time for an assessment, between achievements and upcoming developments, and to question ourselves: on what basis do we build a better future? Fifty candles for Mauritius and fi ve for Luxury Mauritius magazine… A perfect timing for this special edition. Happy reading! FOLLOW US ONLINE AND STAY TUNED TO THE BEST OF MAURITIUS ALL YEAR ROUND © Mediatiz Ltd. No reproduction, even partial, can be made without written permission from the publisher. Mediatiz declines the responsibility of all the commercial content proposed in this magazine. THE BLOG