Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY MAURITIUS No 5 EDITION 2018 | Page 63

GRAND ANGLE « MA FONDATION SERA DÉDIÉE À LA PROTECTION DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT» "MY FOUNDATION WILL BE MAINLY DEDICATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION" PRINCESSE CAMILLA DE BOURBON DES DEUX SICILES a matter of urgency. I would like to facilitate scientific research and to set up projects to improve the environmental protection on the island, but on a greater scope: the Indian Ocean. It is a paradise which must be preserved, and the best place to carry out experiments. The corals, the algae, the seashells still exist on your island while they are long gone in the Mediterranean. I do not want to engage in too many projects, too quickly. I will choose specific measures in order to be able to carry them out successfully. How can we encourage others, and make them believe in what we are doing if we do not complete projects? Who will finance these projects? I will finance the foundation myself, but I would also like to encourage people to join me in this ambitious endeavour. For example, I would like to collaborate with the Scientific Centre of Monaco. This centre was created in 1960 by SAS the Prince Rainier III of Monaco, father of the Sovereign Prince: Albert II. We could get access to their research and implement them throughout the area. I would also like to count on Prince Albert’s support, as he would like to develop a large scale project in Mauritius. The ’Monaco explorations’ are spread over three years. Obviously, the support of the Mauritian government is also very important, in particular to be able to understand and to analyse what Mauritius truly needs. The president Ameenah Gurib Fakim and the Prime Minister have pledged their support. Can you tell us a bit more about your life as a princess? Is it challenging? How do you feel about it? I am aware of the privileges that come along with my status. We are exposed to beautiful things; however, there is a lot of pressure. You agree to always be happy and smiling, to put on your game face, because it is what is expected from you. I lived and studied fifteen years in New York. The history of Europe or of the monarchy was never taught during my academic years. Therefore I did not know very much about all this before I met my husband. I was then welcomed by this family who have many traditions, and I learned from them. It is a very formal life. There are labels, a certain type of protocol which should be learned. One could write a book about it. The Bourbon of Two Sicilies have greatly contributed to the south of Italy. They were pioneers in many fields: the first railway line, the first shelters for the needy which could accommodate up to 4,000 people. Just picture this, back in 1834, it was something incredible! Our mission is to respect history and tradition, while projecting ourselves in the future. We live in a world of telecommunications, a world controlled by: Internet. What is most important to you today? To be close to people, to listen to them, to hear their needs … and to give, ’meaning’ to that: engage in humanitarian projects. LL.AA.RR. le Prince et la Princesse de Bourbon des Deux Siciles et leurs filles Maria-Carolina, Duchesse de Calabre et Maria-Chiara, Duchesse de Noto., ici à Maurice. TRH the Prince and Princess of Bourbon Two Sicilies with their two daughters Maria-Carolina, Duchess of Calabria and Maria-Chiara, Duchess of Noto. EDITION 2018 - N O 5 61