Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY MAURITIUS #6 EDITION 2018 | Page 27

VISION 04 04 ARUNA RADHAKEESOON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROGERS AND CO. LTD. Gender diversity! Over and above respect and fairness, it will inject freshness and creativity within the ecosystem. Gender diversity will also have considerable economic (Increased profitability & RoE as per research from global banks) and socio-cultural impact (in line with United Nations SDG#5); Not to mention that it will help Mauritius retain its first ranking, (see Mo Ibrahim Foundation Index - 2017) on African Governance. 05 06 06 THIERRY SAUZIER CEO MEDINE LTD En tant qu’État insulaire sans ressources naturelles exploitables à grande échelle, nous devons continuer à nous positionner stratégiquement par rapport à l’Afrique et l’océan Indien, afin d’attirer étudiants, talents, entrepreneurs et investisseurs. Nous bénéficierons ainsi d’un apport en matière grise qui contribuera au cercle vertueux de la croissance mais aussi de l’Investissement Direct Étranger qui entretien cette croissance. Pour soutenir cette stratégie d’ouverture, la connectivité (réseaux internes, aériens, maritimes, satellites ou Internet) est un élément crucial que Maurice doit continuer de développer. 07 05 07 DEAN AH-CHUEN SUNIL BANYMANDHUB The world economy will undergo in the next 10 years its greatest transformation with the advent of new technological changes in the industry. The challenge will not be to save jobs but to train our workforce to gain new skills for new job opportunities. We will need to lead this paradigm shift and prepare our workforce to adapt to these new challenges without seeing foreign labour and expertise as a threat. This country