Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY INDIAN OCEAN #9 EDITION 2019 - 2020 | Page 75

LUXURY INDIAN OCEAN BUSINESS "The development of sustainable solutions is accelerating – which should mean brighter times lie ahead!" production sur le prix de vente. Il deviendra alors plus rentable d’investir dans des unités de production électrique privées. Dans la région, et à Madagascar en particulier, les systèmes hybrides permettront de garantir une production électrique fiable à chaque instant. De plus, faute de capacité d’investissement, la JIRAMA souhaite sous- traiter la production électrique en remplaçant des centrales thermiques en centrales hybrides… Le développement des solutions durables s'accélère et a assurément de beaux jours devant lui ! including work sites outside the mains electricity network, isolated houses and hamlets, and business activities that cannot afford power cuts. Green Module and Green Station are containerised power plants, able to supply electricity to much larger sites, such as hotels, schools, factories, isolated villages, shopping centres and hospitals. These plug and play units are able to run on up to four sources of energy (whether solar, wind, battery, group or network) at the same time. What’s behind the founding of Switch Energy? My Grid is a power production and management unit that incorporates racks of batteries and an intelligent management system in a fixed-frame chamber. In addition, it provides for the connection of solar panels, power generator, wind turbine or a conventional power network. It can be fully controlled at a distance using a smartphone. It is as suitable for installations without access to network electricity as to customers who are seeking to move to green modes of energy. In either case, My Grid enables users to enjoy real energy autonomy. Switch Energy was set up in August 2017 by Chantier Naval de l’océan Indien Ltd’s shareholders in order to market the hybrid electric solutions of a French company called Erma Energy. What’s your company’s vision and how does it fit into the market for green solutions? In line with our strategy based on both the meaningful optimisation of existing resources, and on promoting the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, following an energy audit, Switch Energy provides a way of embracing concrete and sustainable practices. Our greatest strength lies in the recycling of worn-out materials, particularly batteries, and our decision to use lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, which last for more than ten years. Switch Energy has also identified companies able to recycle almost all the components of our solutions, including lithium. What kind of customers do you target? Switch Energy is able to provide effective solutions for a number of situations, CONTACT P. 136 75 What is your star product? What sustainable solutions do you foresee within the Indian Ocean Region? In Mauritius, the setting up of the Utility Regulatory Authority provides for the indexation of the selling price to production costs. It will thus become more profitable to invest in private electricity projects. In the region, and in particular in Madagascar, hybrid systems shall ensure continuous and reliable energy supply. Moreover, because of a lack of investment capacity, the state- owned utility company JIRAMA, intends to outsource power production by replacing thermal power stations with hybrid power plants. The development of sustainable solutions is accelerating – which should mean brighter times lie ahead!