Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY INDIAN OCEAN #12 EDITION 2022 | Page 98

Carnet d ' adresses Directory

Carnet d ' adresses Directory

LOISIRS Activities
CHÂTEAU MON DÉSIR P . 19 Turtle Bay , Balaclava , Mauritius + 230 204 1000 info . mau @ maritim . com www . chateaumondesir . mu
CORAIL HÉLICOPTÈRES LTD P . 14 Bonair Road , Triolet , Mauritius + 230 261 2266 mru @ corailhelico . com www . corailhelico-mu . com
LEAL & CO . LTD P . 32 Motorway M1 , Pailles , Mauritius + 230 207 2300 marketing @ lealgroup . mu www . lealgroup . mu
MTPA P . 45 Victoria House , St Louis St , Port-Louis , Mauritius + 230 203 1900 mtpa @ intnet . mu / www . mauritiusnow . com
N ’ JOY P . 40 La Cuvette , Mauritius + 230 5253 2875 experience @ njoy . mu / www . njoy . mu
ODYSSEO OCEANARIUM LTD P . 24 Harbour Waterfront , Port-Louis , Mauritius 659 8000 www . odysseomauritius . com
ANAHITA MAURITIUS P . 5 Beau Champ , Mauritius + 230 402 2246 info @ anahitaproperty . com www . anahitamauritius . com
AZURI OCEAN & GOLF VILLAGE P . 11 & P . 64 Haute Rive , Roches Noires , Mauritius + 230 5499 9995 liveworkplay @ azuri . mu www . azuri . mu
BEAU PLAN DEVELOPMENT LTD P . 66 Beau Plan Business Park , Pamplemousses + 230 204 0808 contact @ novaterra . mu www . beauplan . mu
COMPAGNIE DE BEAU VALLON LTÉE P . 58 Riche en Eau , St Hubert , Mauritius + 230 630 1000 sales @ cbvl . mu / www . cbvl . mu
DIANE WATKINS PROPERTY CONSULT P . 62 Maingard Estate , Tamarin , Mauritius + 230 5746 7414 d . watkins @ propertyconsult . mu www . propertyconsult . mu
DOMAINE DE LABOURDONNAIS P . 80 Mapou , Mauritius + 230 266 9533 domainedelabourdonnais . com
EDENROCK SALES & MARKETING LTD P . 1 F7 Palm Square , La Mivoie , Tamarin , Mauritius + 230 5479 2828 / 2929 sales @ edenrock . mu www . edenrock . mu
GATEWAY REAL ESTATE AFRICA P . 34 Block C , La Croisette , Grand Baie , Mauritius + 230 260 0524 info @ greafrica . group / www . greafrica . group
MJ DEVELOPPEMENT P . 56 & P . 76 Nautica , Coastal Rd , Rivière Noire + 230 5257 1068 www . legendhill-resort . com info @ legendhill-resort . com www . ekosavannah . com info @ ekosavannah . com
MONT CHOISY LA RESERVE LTD P . 2 Chemin 20 Pieds , Grand Baie , Mauritius + 230 5250 0102 / + 230 269 4242 lareserve @ montchoisy . com www . montchoisy . com
NORTH ISLAND VIEWS P . 97 Grand Gaube , Mauritius + 230 5944 7144 info @ northislandsview . com www . northislandsview . com
THE FIVE & SPA ( Jadot Properties ) P . 61 Allée Jacques , Trou aux Biches , Mauritius + 230 5803 5072 sales @ 5residence . com www . 5redidence . com
UNICITI - MEDINE GROUP P . 68 4 Uniciti Office Park , Uniciti , Mauritius T + 230 452 9293 / 92 propertysales @ medine . com www . medineproperty . com
VALIO SUR MER LTD P . 54 44 St . George Street , Port-Louis , Mauritius + 230 5737 3346 info @ thewelnest . mu www . thewelnest . mu
BANK ONE PRIVATE BANKING P . 36 16 rue Sir William Newton , Port-Louis , Mauritius + 230 202 9200 private-banking @ bankone . mu bankone . mu / private
C-CARE ( MAURITIUS ) LTD P . 90 Georges Guibert Street , Floréal , Mauritius 86888 info @ c-lab . mu / www . c-care . mu / c-lab
EKADA CAPITAL LTD P . 13 IFC4 Building , Dr . Ferrière Street , Port-Louis + 230 260 1515 contact @ ekadacapital . com www . ekadacapital . com
THE VENDÔM COMPANY P . 38 30 Rue Viala , 75015 Paris , France info @ thevendomcompany . com www . thevendomcompany . com
CEMTECH P . 78 Sir Virgil Naz Street , Curepipe , Mauritius + 230 660 1010 info @ cemtech . mu / www . cemtech . mu
ENTREPÔT DE LA PIERRE P . 26 Cnr Jackaria & St Vincent de Paul , Pailles + 230 286 3154 info @ entrepotdelapierre . com www . entrepotdelapierre . mu
INSIDE LIVING LTD P . 9 The Cubicle , Royal Road , Phoenix + 230 489 9637 / 38 contact @ insideliving . mu www . insideliving . mu
SOFAP LTD P . 95 DBM Industrial Zone , Coromandel , Mauritius + 230 405 7000 / + 230 800 1515 Sofap @ sofap . mu / www . sofap . mu
SOGAL P . 89 Central Phoenix , Mauritius + 230 427 3900 contact @ laboiserie . re http :// www . sogal . com
ROCHE BOBOIS P . 7 Circle Square , Forbach , Mauritius + 230 244 3021 / 22 s . sunnassy @ roche-bobois . com www . roche-bobois . com