When being a good citizen starts online
In recent years , eco-friendly Facebook groups and Instagram accounts are increasing . These platforms are perfect for democratising information .
Zero Waste Mauritius brings together the followers of zero waste and the circular economy online , but also on-site . The group regularly solicits and advises schools and businesses , encouraging them to reduce their ecological footprint .
The Platform Moris Lanvironnman ( PML ) page is like an investigative newspaper . Its founder , Adi Teelock , makes sure to uncover environmental scandals , highlight the shortcomings and gaps of politicians and promoters on obtaining legal permits and EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ), and offers concrete solutions through articles press releases and public recommendations .
On the Mauritius Recycling / Upcycling group , someone ’ s waste is someone else ’ s treasure . Milk cans , corks , empty jars ... Everything is exchanged and reused . There are also tips to give a second life to broken or unused items .
Finally , Larout li pa enn poubel is a campaign created and financed by citizens . In addition to raising awareness among Mauritians about issues related to pollution of public spaces , the group regularly organises beach clean-ups .
“ Find something you are passionate about and get started ,” advises ZWM coordinator Victoria Desvaux . “ We all have a role to play : create a business that offers green solutions , do some lobbying , train people or alert public opinion … Let us be the change we want to see ”. Whether you are a small local startup , a multinational or a committed citizen , your actions count !