Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY INDIAN OCEAN #12 EDITION 2022 | Page 27

Apprendre .
En révélant ainsi les mystères de nos fonds marins , l ’ ambition d ’ Odysseo est de sensibiliser à la protection de nos écosystèmes . Outre ses collections vivantes , l ’ océanarium compte également une programmation d ’ expositions temporaires , des conférences , des projections de film et des visites pour les écoliers .
Des espaces ludiques interactifs leur sont dédiés . Orques , ours polaires et pingouins … virtuels se retrouvent ainsi à portée de main . À l ’ extérieur , des bassins permettent d ’ observer et de toucher des raies-aigles , sous l ’ œil avisé des éducateurs .
In the early 1990s , Michel de Spéville ( founder of the Eclosia Group ) and Philippe de Lacaze ( Clear Reef International ’ s CEO and General Manager ) began nurturing the crazy dream of constructing the region ’ s first oceanarium . Twenty-five years , investment of Rs 585 million and 45 aquatic features later , Odysseo surfaced in Les Salines , Port Louis . It ’ s time to dive in !
Discover .
Take a deep breath ! From your first steps inside Odysseo , you ’ ll be immersed in an out-of-this-world experience . Between sound and lighting effects , as well as captivating décors , the marine environment is recreated in 3,500 m 2 of waterscapes housing the oceanarium ’ s 200 species and 3,500 specimens .
Sea horses , jellyfish , angelfish , emperor fish , octopuses – and the list goes on . Visitors aren ’ t going to be disappointed . While youngsters dive into the tunnels , attracted by the sight of tropical fish , some of the adults study the information boards . Several yards further on , everyone comes to a halt in front of the main tank in astonishment . A shark is swimming there peacefully , shortly followed by another .
Protéger .
Odysseo déploie également des efforts de conservation . Il est partenaire du projet Exploi ( Expédition Plastique Océan Indien ), qui vise à combattre le fléau plastique dans l ’ océan Indien et abrite une nurserie de coraux afin de stimuler leur reproduction et les réintroduire dans leur habitat naturel .
L ’ enjeu est de taille , considérant le rôle crucial que jouent nos lagons et récifs dans la défense de ce précieux écosystème marin , et le potentiel que notre océan représente pour l ’ ensemble de notre économie .

Découvrir . Apprendre . Protéger .

Learn .
In revealing the mysteries of the deep , the aim of Odysseo is to create awareness about the need to protect our marine ecosystems . As well as its live collections , the oceanarium hosts temporary exhibitions , conferences , film projections and school visits .
There are also interactive fun-learning areas . Orcas , polar bears and penguins appear virtually close to youngsters ’ fingertips . Outdoors , there are basins where they can watch and touch eagle rays , supervised by knowledgeable monitors .
Protect .
Odysseo is involved in conservation work as well , partnering the Indian Ocean Plastic Expedition ( ExPLOI ) project , which aims to combat the plague of plastic in the Indian Ocean . It also has a nursery to encourage coral breeding and then re-introduce corals into their natural habitat .
There is a great deal at stake as our lagoons and reefs play a crucial role in defending our precious marine ecosystem , while , if used wisely , our ocean also offers our economy considerable opportunities . www