Sabrina Leroy , a Yoga instructor , recommends that we welcome our emotions without letting them overflow : that is how we achieve a better relationship with ourselves and with others , thereby improving both our mental and physical health . “ As a starter , a breath awareness exercise is an excellent way to keep you rooted in the present and to soothe your mind ,” she explains .
For others , the solution is elsewhere … In physical exercise and the rush of endorphins it produces . James Agathe , 2013 Kick-boxing World Champion and coach , says : “ When I train , I let go of everything . This sense of well-being remains for long hours and helps me reconnect with myself ,” he explains . How about we have it both ways and combine physical exercise with a nature break ? In that sense , kitesurfing can be an excellent way to “ let go ”. “ Kitesurfing brings freedom and adrenalin . It teaches us to remain humble in the face of the elements . It also allows us to take a step back and appreciate the beauty of our island , which is a key to coping with such uncertain times ,” explains Jérôme Bonieux , a kitesurf instructor . Let each one find their own way to elevate the experience of letting go to an art of living .