Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) #9 Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) | Page 8

/ places in Cyprus / Myth about The Berengaria Hotel The Berengaria hotel spreads stupendously across the Troodos Mountains with great scenery of Prodromos village and surroundings in Cyprus, but it’s now a shadow of it's past glory. You would get some insights relating to why the hotel was left to rot, and the reasons it’s a tourist attraction even with the stories and myths that besiege the building. T HE HOTEL was established years ago in 1931 and played host to the high and mighty including royalties and other upper class individuals, by providing excellent entertainment services for the crème de ’la crème. However, the hotel was shut down in 1984 after 53 years of operation. Although the hotel stood the test of time for over five decades, its present state is a sorry sight to behold as the once grand edifice lies in waste and depreciation due to environmental factors. Be- rengaria Hotel is a tourist attraction no doubt but quite unsafe especially for people who aren’t famil- iar with the terrain. Local residents are inquisitive to know more about the hotel that served several reputable guests and see things for themselves first-hand; tourists also wish to get a glimpse of the magnificent building. The hotel has a reputation that precedes it as a haunted house and the myth has spread down family lines. Several stories about ghosts can be traced to the hotel all with a similar trait of the victims being killed there, and as such their ghosts lurk around the building seeking for vengeance. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BERENGARIA HOTEL The hotel got its name in honor of Queen Berengar- ia of Navarre, wife of King Richard1 of England. With such a colorful history that attracted diverse people from all walks of life, it’s difficult to keep people away. The present owner of the hotel ‘Michalis Ioan- nides’, is worried about safety especially for children since he stated that some parts of the building are dangerous. Precautionary measures were put in 8 place to forestall any unfortunate incidents but some visitors do not regard such warning signs. Do you wonder why a magnificent highly rated ho- tel came to a grinding halt? Well, it’s quite a mess. Ac- cording to the story making the rounds, the owner of the Berengaria Hotel had three sons who inherited the property from their father. However, greed, and jeal- ousy led to financial issues which tore them apart and it subsequently affected the business. None of the sons made good effort to ensure maintenance and proper management, so the hotel gradually went downhill. It’s not certain if the Berengaria hotel will rise again from its troubled past, but the locals in Prodromos village really miss the music from the dancing hall and other activities that made it a prestigious hotel in Cy- prus. So, Berengaria Hotel is regarded as a tourist at- traction by many due to its rich and conflicting history, and people desire to walk in the same halls and climb up the stairs where eminent royalties once stood. x If you plan to visit the hotel, stick to the precautionary signs because some parts of the building are not safe to walk through particularly at night. You may get the services of a tour guide who is familiar with the building to assist you or better still don’t wander there alone without company. • 2018 EDITION