Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) #9 Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) | Page 37

November 2018
December 2018
January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019

/ the festivals & important days / place . After a brutal war which lasted over three years , the EOKA finally forced the hand of the British and a cease-fire in 1960 ultimately meant it was time to give the people what they craved most , freedom .

At the stroke of midnight on the 1st of October 1960 , the deed was done , an agreement between Greece , Turkey , and the United Kingdom , made Cyprus an independent country , with the heroic Archbishop Makarios III becoming the first ever President of the island .
SEPTEMBER — ​OCTOBER KYPRIA FESTIVAL : This annual festival under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Culture , unites the wonderful talents of local Cypriot dance , music , theatre and art , with those from Greece and other countries to showcase beauty in the arts . The festival is held through all major towns of the island . www . kypria . org . cy To know more , call : + 357 22800985
OCTOBER 17TH — ​NOVEMBER LARNACA BIENNALE : The district of Larnaca will , for the first time ever host the inaugural Fine Arts Biennale . The one of a kind event and first ever in Cyprus will bring together artists from all over the world as they exhibit their art to the people of Cyprus and the world , in a city whose rich history and culture is as old as time . Come and witness art take life . Location : Municipal Gallery , Larnaca Pierides Museum , Larnaca House of Arts and Literature , Larnaca www . biennalelarnaca . com
OCTOBER 23RD — ​GREEK NATIONAL DAY / OCHI DAY : The Greek national day is celebrated as well in Cyprus , also known as the Ochi Day , it celebrates the ironclad will of Greek Prime Minister Loannis Metaxas who held his ground against Italian dictator Mussolini , in 1940 when the dictator demanded that he grant passage to the incoming Axis forces of Italy or face war . The answer of the Prime Minister was an emphatic and legendary “ Ochi !” This led to a subsequent attack by Italy and a heroic defence of the Pindus mountain by Hellenic forces . Grand parades always take place , by the military and students , and most public buildings are decorated with the Greek flag .

November 2018

NOVEMBER- WINE MONTH : The Cyprus Tourism Organization ( CTO ) has declared the month of November as the wine month this 2018 and is welcoming all lovers of wine , connoisseurs and enthusiasts to join this month-long festival that will detail the history of wine in Cyprus . Using “ Wine Routes ”, the CTO has traced out seven routes through the Cypriot countryside , with signposts on designated locations , where visitors can go in and experience everything wine . www . visitcyprus . com
• 2018 EDITION
SEPTEMBER 18TH OLYMPUSMAN TRIATHLON : This endurance and limittesting event is a must for every true triathlete or anyone looking to push their physical limits to the edge and find a new gear in themselves . Starting from Paphos and ending at 1952 metres above sea level on the Olympus peak in the Troodos Mountains , the event starts with swimming , then biking , followed by a 2600m climb , before an off-road marathon to the finish . Think you got what it takes ? www . cyclingcy . com
NOVEMBER 30TH THE PREVENTIVE CANCER CHARITY AUCTION : MACS Marketing in conjunction with the Europa Donna Breast Cancer Charity will host a one of a kind special event dedicated to the fight against the leading cause of death amongst Cypriot women , breast cancer . Come and show your support to this noble cause and enjoy some of the best Cyprus has to offer , with a red carpet event , a unique auction sale , and a chance to win a whole load of special prizes . Join us in saying NO ! to cancer . For more information , e-mail : info @ macsads . com www . facebook . com / MACSMARKETING

December 2018

DECEMBER 25TH — ​CHRISTMAS DAY : The day Christ was born into the world . This is probably the most important day on the Cyprus Orthodox calendar . You do not want to miss the lights , the carols , and the church services .

January 2019

JANUARY 1ST — ​NEW YEAR ’ S DAY : In Cyprus , the bearer of gifts is Ayios Vasilis , and comes on New Year ’ s Eve , instead of Christmas Eve . Fireworks light up the sky at the stroke of midnight , as everyone wishes ‘ Kali Khronia ’ ( Happy New Year ), with a delicious special tribute to Saint Basil just after midnight .
JANUARY 6TH EPIPHANY : A holiday that is also celebrated globally , Epiphany is the honouring of two events in the life of the Saviour Jesus Christ ; the visit of the three wise men , and the baptism of Jesus Christ by St . John the Baptist . It is marked by a special mass in all the cathedrals of Cypriot towns , followed by a procession by the sea to mark the baptism , where a Bishop will throw a Holy Cross into the waters , and the young men of the gathering will dive in to retrieve it . Locations : Limassol : Agia Napa Church — ​ Limassol , the old port .
Larnaka : AgiosLazaros Church — ​Larnaka marina . Paphos : Theoskepasti Church — ​ Paphos harbour . Polis : Agios Andreas Church — ​Latsi fishing shelter . Agia Napa : Agia Napa Church — ​Agia Napa harbour .

February 2019

FEBRUARY 14TH VALENTINE ’ S DAY : A celebration that transcends culture and religion , Valentine ’ s Day has become synonymous with love but really did start out as a day to recognize the honourable acts of Saint Valentine of Rome who secretly wed soldiers who were banned from getting married , until he was martyred for the act . In the 14th century , Geoffrey Chaucer associated the day with love and from then on the day became more popular as a day to celebrate lovers and the island of Cyprus is no different . Experience a deeper and more passionate day with the special packages resorts , hotels , and restaurants always have in store for the truly romantic .

March 2019

MARCH 10TH THE LIMASSOL CAR- NIVAL : The Limassol Carnival takes centre stage for the people of Cyprus . The flashy and spectacular event begins 10 – 12 days before the lent period , and is partly a celebration in honour of the Greek god Dionysos . It is divided into two weeks ; the Meat week which brings the King of the Carnival to the city of Limassol with lots of dancing and music , then the Cheese week , during which only dairy products are eaten by the population to honour the coming of Lent . The last day of the carnival is marked by the Grand Parade throughout the city . Location : Limassol www . facebook . com / LimassolCarnival2019

April 2019

APRIL 1ST — ​GREEK CYPRIOT NATIONAL DAY : This day in 1986 saw the birth of the EOKA , under the leadership of Archbishop Makarios III and General George Grivas , and their four-year fight against the British for Cypriot independence and union ( enosis ) with Greece . The clash will ultimately lead to Cypriot independence in 1960 .
APRIL 26TH — ​APRIL 29TH — ​PAS- CHA / EASTER : Easter is a time of great festivity in Cyprus and is celebrated in a very traditional fashion that makes it all the more memorable . The 40-day lent period is followed by Good Friday on the 26th of April . At the stroke of midnight , on Sunday 28th , the traditional openair mass will hold in all churches throughout the island , followed by the feasting on Magiritsa , before the day itself , where roast lamb , merrymaking and joy will be the order of the day . www . public holidays . eu / cyprus / easter