Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) #9 Luxury Hotels (Summer 2018) | Page 16

/ mediterranean sea / DIVE DEEP into the secrets of the most beautiful sea in the world The Mediterranean Sea is the birthplace of many great civilizations. It is a hub connecting Europe, Africa and the Middle East. T HE HISTORY of the Sea dates back to the 4 th century B.C. when the Mesopotamian civilization appeared on its eastern shores. According to the research, two thousand years later there were the first signs of the Mycenaean civilization which is considered to be one of the earliest stages of development of the Ancient Greece. The biggest fame came to the shores of the Mediter- ranean Sea at the time of the Roman Empire when it controlled almost the whole Mediterranean basin. At that time, the mail trade ways of the Italian merchants went through this sea. The Venetian merchants, who were the richest in Europe, had all the rights to call themselves owners of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the biggest on the Planet and its size is about 2 500 000 km 2 . It washes the shores of twenty-two countries and can boast of about 550 types of fish, including 70 endemics. The Mediterranean waters are home to important commercial fishes such as tuna, mullet, mackerel, herring, etc. You may also find shellfish such as mussels, oysters and peapod shell (a specialty of this sea). The sea is also rich in such cephalopods as octopus, calamari and crustaceous of all types and sizes. Not very rich in phyto and zooplankton, the sea doesn’t really boast many big fishes. There is only one seal specie in the sea, but there are many dolphins, whales, cetaceans and turtles. The resorts of the Mediterranean are second to none. If you want to have a true luxury experience together with the celebrities, go to the French Cote d’Azure, Riviera or Italian Sardinia, or if you prefer a more economical but not less beautiful relaxation, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Egypt are the perfect spots for you. 16 Cyprus beaches all have the Blue flag and are considered to be the best place for any type of recreation. Families with children as well as young and older people will definitely find something interesting for themselves. Here is the overview of the best beaches of the island. GOLDEN CO