Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 4th Quarter INSPIRE Edition | Page 3


Fellow hoteliers ,
There are just a couple of weeks left in 2020 , probably one of the most challenging years we have lived through and as the calendar moves into a new year , all of us at the ILHA wish everyone a safe and healthy 2021 .
One lesson we have learned this year is that the luxury hospitality industry is resilient , and through all the curve balls that have been thrown over the last year , we have seen you pivot , reimagine and reach out to share , help and do what you can to help the industry and your community recover .
In this issue David Tarr , Senior Vice President , Real Estate & Development , Americas , Hyatt talks about their development strategy and efforts to support their staff and community and Russell Kett , Chairman , HVS , London , discusses the long term effects of the pandemic and how to prepare for the future .
Alex Sogno , CEO & Senior Hotel Asset Manager , Global Asset Solutions shares a top 100 ideas for the food & beverage industry and also the importance of maintaining a strong hotel balance sheet . He heads up the ILHAs European Chapter , which recently launched and has played an instrumental role in creating the Europe-focused portion of the INSPIRE2020 agenda , along with board member Valerie De Corte , Global Alliance & Partnership Director , École hôtelière de Lausanne ( EHL ).
The International Luxury Hotel Association ’ s INSPIRE2020 summit is virtual this year , taking place December 14 & 15 . We are privileged to host an incredible group of experts who share their experience and strategies for leading the luxury hospitality industry into recovery .
We are also grateful for our sponsors , who make this event possible , many of whom have supported the industry during the pandemic and whose relationships we value .
Take care and see you in the New Year !
Barak Hirschowitz , President , International Luxury Hotel Association