Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 4th Quarter 2017 | Page 94

clean water, as well as the energy to heat it, simply disappearing down the drain. Population growth and climate change are already challenging current systems, and natural resources cannot meet the increasing demand on our water supply. Orbital Systems is creating a new paradigm in daily water use by transforming the shower experience and introducing the next generation shower...without compromising on comfort. The value proposition of the Oas shower is simple: up to 90% less water, 80% less energy, 30% more water pressure, and 100% more comfort every time a guest showers. 94 ILHA SPOIL YOUR GUESTS, SAVE THE WORLD The reality is that the hospitality industry is constantly looking for ways to shape exceptional experiences while abiding by conservation regulations and sustainability commitments. The Oas shower provides a solid solution to those challenges, and it can be an opportunity to bolster a hotel brand’s reputation. Usage and savings data can be displayed in rooms or at the hotel’s lobby to gamify a guest’s stay and align with their values (think millennials). It’s not only one of the best shower experiences that guests are likely to enjoy, it preserves one of our most precious natural resources. That’s the kind of experience guests remember, share—and return for. FINALLY, A SMART SHOWER A smart, water-saving shower, with an open API that easily integrates with facility software management systems. The Oas app provides shower usage data by room, floor or building, that illuminates guests patterns, measures water and energy savings and highlights ROI. Big data is changing the way business leaders make decisions, and in-room water usage should not be left unaccounted for. A typical 300-room hotel can use over 264,000 gallons of water per month, a potential 90% saving in water and 80% in energy can have a significant impact.