Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 2nd Quarter 2022 | Page 83

At the forefront of identity is reputation . Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) can enhance brand reputation of luxury hotel brands if the primary priority of the brand is ethically aligned with investing in communities and the environment . Due to COVID-19 , global changes in perception of travel and luxury hotels have caused brands to take a closer look at CSR strategies and tactics and ask vital questions . Are brand tactics and goals environmentally ethical ? How can CSR campaigns build loyalty and stakeholder engagement ? Although luxury hoteliers and suppliers do not have total control over their reputation , the responsibility of managing messaging , stewarding accountability , investing in communities , and building stakeholder relationships are tied to long-term reputation success . Authentic CSR can be a solution to help narrow the communication gap and influence a brand ' s reputation if appropriately in alignment with overall corporate strategy , goals , and values .
Environmental Ethics
Honoring and demonstrating respect for human beings , animals , and plants are at the core of environmental ethics . CSR for luxury hotel sectors can have a global impact by establishing a connection between people and the earth . In stewarding brand reputation , luxury hoteliers can prioritize campaign strategies by creating and cultivating opportunities that contribute to environmental safety , sustainability , and renewable renewability . Environmental ethics as a priority highlight and increases positive public perspectives while building consistent recurring brand confidence . Currently , environmental ethics has become a major concern for mankind ( Kukreja , 2022 ).