Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 2nd Quarter 2022 | Page 39

experience and scored 10 points higher on their satisfaction scores as they were able to resolve problems , address any issues , and cater to their requests at the moment .
A different client brand shared with us that they chose to send their post-stay surveys through Glowing . io since they had received more engagement through messaging than emails . The post-stay survey resulted in over a 100 % increase in response rates when sent via messaging .
Furthermore , an operational ROI to consider is that with messaging , the hotel ’ s frontline staff do not have the real-time pressure to solve the problem immediately while talking to an irate guest over the phone . Messaging gives them those extra moments to reach out to colleagues ( which is possible through Glowing . io ) to get the information , do an investigation or ask for help which reduces pressure on everyone .
PBX uses multiple systems , but Glowing . io integrates systems so that tickets can be created within Glowing . io , making the whole workflow more streamlined and efficient . Guests are also able to directly message the people on their team and share with the concerned departments .
What are the challenges that prevent hotels from adopting ?
Initially , I would say that they have an understanding that technology is not an inhibitor of luxury or delivering memorable experiences , but instead , see it
as an enabler and enhancer to be on par to the level of experience that most guests want nowadays .
Secondly , hotels would assume that adopting messaging as part of their communication is harder than it is . Everyone nowadays intuits messaging and is now part of their day-to-day life . We at Glowing . io can turn on a property in a couple of days , but most of our time is spent on operational training , sharing SOPs , and best practices so that we ensure we do not just deliver a “ technology that sits on the shelf ”, but instead deliver a solution that everyone , from the General Manager to the guest , value .
Overall , adopting Glowing . io is not a huge or complicated tech project . Glowing . io is cloud-based , and there is no huge capital expenditure . We help you to set it up and conduct training ( which can be done remotely ). There is no need to buy hundreds of tablets to use Glowing . io . All the staff who have used it have enjoyed and loved using it because it is easy to learn and makes their lives easier . The owners also get to enjoy having it in their business because it helps to drive the top and bottom line .
To conclude , with messaging being the most preferred communication , all guests will want to message . Guests nowadays are looking for hotels that offer messaging and services that adapt to these new times . I would encourage any hotel professional to have a look at the services we offer on our website – www . Glowing . io – and do not hesitate to get in touch with us . We love being able to connect with hoteliers from all across the globe !