Luxe Kurves Magazine March 2018 | Page 50

by Nwadi Oko

If you feel like your hair suffered throughout winter, you are not alone. This winter was especially brutal and you still might be feeling the effects. Putting heat on dryer hair only makes matters worse, so this month is the month of no heat. The effects of long-term heat usage are detrimental and you don't need it.

Using heat overtime can damage the cuticle and cause split ends. These split ends cause the hair to break and shed excessively, in addition to looking unsightly. Straightening hair can cause it to dry out the strands, giving the hair a straw-like feel. Dryer hair will appear more limp, and over time hair will lose volume and body. Lastly, heat use over time will alter the character of your hair. Those of you with wavy and curly hair will literally straighten your hair over time. The more you straighten, the less your hair will revert to its curls. Over time your once curly, beautiful hair will look lifeless with barely any curl left. Once hair is damaged, it can rarely be restored. Now ask yourself, why do you use heat? Because it's easier to maintain, because you've always done it? The heat stops now, you can still look presentable without using heat everyday.

For those of you with straight hair already, try to wash your hair at night instead of the morning. This way, your hair will have time to dry and you won't have to use a blow dryer. Before bed, put your hair in a loose braid or ponytail. In the morning, use a paddle brush to brush out any knots and apply a small amount of oil to give the hair a sheen and reduce frizz.

For those of your with curly/wavy hair, be sure to wash your hair at night as well. Embrace your curls and style your hair to make them even more defined. Before bed, apply a curling cream and braid or twist your hair. Section your hair into four and tightly braid these sections. Finger detangle the sections that have knots. In the morning, unravel these sections and style as you wish.

For those with tight curls and coils, twist or braid your hair the night before as well for the best results. Use smaller sections, from 6-8 and apply water, oil and a leave in conditioner. Detangle the sections and cornrow your hair. In the morning, slowly unravel the hair and style.

In addition to these suggested styles, pulling your into a ponytail, bun, or French braids is also another way to style the hair.

Without heat, you may find that your morning routine has changed. While it may take longer or less time, understand that everyday without heat is a day your hair gets stronger. If you must use heat, use a low or cool setting. For the month of March, try to turn off the straightener and embrace your natural hair.

No Heat...

No Heat...

No Heat...