Luxe-Factor February 2014 Designer Edition | Page 4

Rising star


designer Sabetha Holley


Sabbatha, a New York native is bringing her vision to the world of fashion and is pretty bent on a leaving a mark that won't soon be forgotten.

Her present clothing line, which is artistic, expressive, funky and down right "fun" reveals only a single facet in the mnd of someone

who seemingly absorbs the world around them and then gives "birth" to fashions that create fun a sense of mischief.

Speaking mainly now about the "peek-a-boo" sweater/sweat shirt line she has...which to this writer's mind, instantly creates a visual paradox that is too cool to ignore.

Luxe-Factor was able to catch up with this tiny , 'battery pak... (she's always on the move) to find out a little bit more about her and what motivates her....