VS Authentic Handbags
THE COUNTERFEIT market is expanding more and more every single day . While it can sometimes be hard to spot a fake , it doesn ’ t mean there aren ’ t ways to tell . Bag Enthusiasts , be safe out there . The counterfeit handbag market is more dangerous than you may know .
Counterfeit handbag sales cause an increase in the price of authentic handbags . Each time you choose to purchase a counterfeit handbag , you ’ re contributing to a price hike for the authentic version and making it more unattainable for yourself and others to purchase . We can ’ t have any more price increases . Chanel has already had three this year ! Authentic handbag prices take into account high-quality materials and branding / marketing costs . When consumers opt to purchase counterfeit products , it forces luxury companies to introduce price hikes to recover lost sales . Usually , it is extremely obvious the bag isn ’ t authentic . The truth usually isn ’ t too hard to spot , especially when many counterfeit bags are made of faux leather and have misplaced logos and prints .
You ’ re also harming the environment . Because of the low quality and high production rate of counterfeit handbags , they ’ re considered to be a form of fast fashion . The handbags need to be replaced frequently . You also will not be able to resell to a credible , authentic consignment store , which in turn produces more waste and harms the environment .
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has reported that there is a strong link between the counterfeit industry and organized crime . Many counterfeit luxury products are unethically produced , and the profit from the sales can , in some cases , be used to fund other criminal activities such as illicit drugs and migrant smuggling . You can go from being a victim of a crime to a participant . Buying a counterfeit product isn ’ t a crime . However , if you try to sell a counterfeit bag either knowingly or unknowingly about its authenticity , it is a crime in several countries across the world . You can face jail time and / or hefty fines that can range in the millions . Brands may also pursue civil actions and sue you for copyright infringement .
Counterfeit handbags typically have a strong odour to them . The counterfeit industry isn ’ t regulated , and neither is its production process . The consumer ’ s health is never a point of concern , which is why these products may contain harmful chemicals or toxins that produce a cheaper product but have devastating health effects on the consumer .
A common fake indicator when it comes to Hermès Birkins is pulling out the keys from the clochette . If you see a small key ring attaching the keys to the clochette , then this is immediately a red flag . Hermès does not attach their keys to a key ring nor will you ever find this key ring with any Hermès Birkin . The keys should be attached with an actual leather piece .
Don ’ t be alarmed if you look at the Hermès hot stamp and feel the foil doesn ’ t look perfect . An indication of a counterfeit