uring the golden age of
commercial flight in the
1960’s, airline travel was a
luxury in itself. Surrounded
by beautiful blonde
waitresses, well-off clientele dressed
professionally and enjoyed top-shelf
drinks, plus an experience not
offered elsewhere.
However, the 2000s have been cruel
to the extravagance of commercial
airline travel. Instead, we are shoved
into sardine-sized cabins next to
strangers in sweatpants, our elbows
banged by passing carts serving tap
water. With the unveiling of the
Triton, a luxury aircraft concept
designed by Micronautix, a Templeton,
California-based company, at the
2014 Aviation Summit presented by
Lift Event Management, those days
could soon be over.
Instead of peering through about
15 x 11 inches of window on a 747,
the Triton offers panoramic,
breathtaking views, making for a
distinctive flying and sightseeing
escapade. On a normal commercial
flight, passengers count the minutes
until their plane lands in the
destination, however on the Triton,
passengers will get unsurpassed
views of their favorite moun х