Luxe Beat Magazine December 2015 | Page 31

Holiday Holiday Spotlight with Chef Tim Keller By Timothy Keller My first holiday experience happened when I was five, when my grandmother arrived for Christmas Eve. She entered with packages of filet mignon, Belgium chocolates, Camembert and Kielbasa. She had thickly sliced bacon from the butcher and fresh bunches of tarragon and parsley. I helped her carry in many other bags of fresh vegetables and spices, many of which were piquing my interest nearly as much as the large wrapped presents. I knew very little regarding these types of food then, as I was perfecting layered Slurpees and cream-less Twinkies. I was learning how to lick a candy cane as sharp as a sushi knife and unroll my mother’s cinnamon rolls into one continuous piece. I may have lost quite a few raisins into the couch. My mother began arranging platters of cookies, cinnamon rolls and other homemade pastries on the tables. She placed bowls of pistachios, walnuts and peanuts in various locations throughout the house. The festivities were in full swing when Elvis’s “Blue Christmas” was interrupted by the door bell; it was my Uncle Bill and Grandmother Jean. They brought stuffed eggs, ham, salads, baguettes, Perrier, wine and champagne. My Grandmother held a box containing See’s Candy, German chocolate cake, apple tarts and pumpkin pies. We placed them on the tables near my mother’s platters. More guests arrived and more platters were presented. As the Christmas party gathered near the decorated tree, I noticed nearly all were kissing, talking, hugging, laughing and...eating! I was engaged in conversations, too, from time to time, but mostly I grazed from one table to the next. Fully immersed in the flavors of my family’s traditional Christmas snacks, I noticed my mother serving and my father mixing cocktails. My family was creating a magical holiday home–or perhaps, my first restaurant inspiration! I had forgotten about Christmas and Santa Claus on that afternoon, and I was truly in a state of holiday bliss. Never before had I had such a wonderful assortment of delicious holiday foods. To be able to compare the chocolates, caramels and pie crusts for the first time was a pivotal moment in my life. Of course, being a kid, I gravitated towards chocolates and fizzy drinks, but the filet mignon was the tastiest gift of all. That was my first bacon wrapped filet with béarnaise, and I never looked back! Every day should be special, but for me, holidays are the oldest, most s XܙY