Luxe Beat Magazine December 2015 | Page 19

Travel Not only was this First Class railroad car completely comfortable and relaxing during our scenic journey on the Verde Canyon Railroad in Clarkdale, Arizona, the view outside the window was absolutely spectacular for the entire trip. There is a private, open-air viewing car for First Class which turned out to be a great place to get photos. We could relax in the comfort of the closed car, then just stroll out into the open to enjoy the weather and take photos. The area we traveled through was virtually devoid of human occupants. We saw a couple of dwellings, but the ruins of the tiny settlement of Perkinsville are a sad reminder of how difficult life can be in this area, where there is little transportation and where fresh water is not easily obtained. This means that the windswept desert and towering mountains are clean, unspoiled and quite lovely. We saw beautiful mountain streams and rivers meandering through deserted landscapes, where the only sound was the quiet noise of the train as it passed through. We passed over bridges and through tunnels, and it was like taking a trip back to the time of pioneers and settlers who tried to tame this area and failed. We enjoyed every minute of our scenic train trip and thought it would be particularly wonderful for train-loving kids. The train runs daily all year long, rain or shine, most days of the week, and the striking scenery is different during each season. Ticket prices vary, so check the web site. 19